9 Reviews liked by jillmarie

This was once one of my all time favourite games. I originally played it on both PC and Xbox 360, earning every achievement twice over and spending hundreads of hours in The Capital Wasteland. After watching the surpisingly decent Fallout TV show, I decided to give Fallout 3 another go.

Sadly, it hasn't aged well. The writing was so bad and basic that I stopped playing after a few hours - I couldn't take it anymore. There are still loads of technical issues on PC. The combat is pathetic. While the exploration is still enjoyable, the gameworld isn't as reactive as say... New Vegas. In fact, while re-playing Fallout 3, all I could think about was that I'd much rather just be playing New Vegas - so eventually that's what I did.

I still have a lot of fondness for Fallout 3, and while - to a certain degree - that may just be nostalgia, it is still a good game. Just don't expect much more than a moderately shallow RPG with poor combat, and storytelling that lacks any semblance of complexity.

Metroid Prime is the vital “mood” game. The atmosphere is what sells it, shootin’ shit is just a plus.

Straight out of the gate, boom, detailed planet in the distance whilst in the middle of space. It hooks you in with its stellar visuals and killer soundtracks, and keeps you sucked in with its atmospheric world building.

Curling up into a ball and rolling or bouncing around might be the absolute most fun thing in any game ever. Because, sure, it’s not the only game to ever have a playable ball, but it is the only one that looks, sounds, and feels like this while also racking up alien K/Ds. Bouncing off of morph ball bombs through the air, using the spider power up to roll around ceilings and walls, twisted columns, it’s so surreal.

Metroid coined the term “metroidvania,” and Metroid Prime 15 years later certainly shows why. Yep, there certainly is a whole lot of backtracking here. It’s not terrible since the goal is just collecting artifacts and the maps are extremely detailed. Colored
doors guide your way to understand the best path to advance from elevator to elevator.

Where Metroid Prime fails, though, is its endgame. Petrasyls may be my least favorite game enemy of all time. They are not fair and challenging, they are not a scary design, they are not cool to look at. They take way too many shots, and latch onto your face constantly for no other reason than to slow you down. So, when they start coming my way by the dozens after the Phazon Suit is acquired, I want to die. Especially when the final boss throws 2-4 of them at once, so you’re just scrambling to try and get them off of you.

There’s not a whole lot bosses here, since the focus is the vibe, but when you do come across a boss, it is very fun. I just kind of wish they’d had been more balanced out throughout the whole game, rather than really spread out.

Metroid Prime Remastered takes the cake of an already amazing game, and adds some icing to really boost its replay-ability. This is one of the best looking games on the Switch, the source material was already there. Thanks Reggie, you did it this time. 8/10

A fantastic entry and easily the best game in the franchise when it comes to bosses (and they're the main draw of the Souls games). Many cool designs and movesets with a good soundtrack make for some memorable fights.

Unfortunately Irithyll Dungeon exists. The person who made this ten-minute-long 'experience' is probably still laughing, knowing they've made the most unfair level in the game.

But overall an easy recommendation from my side, awesome game. If you've liked ANY other Souls game before, you'll very likely love this one too.

The definitive Halo experience, especially on legendary.

It's amazingly paced on legendary. Back to back banger missions, only broken up by rainy walks through New Mombasa, accompanied by an amazing soundtrack. There's nothing I could write that could possibly describe the amount of effort which went into every single encounter in this game. Every room, every enemy placement, every weapon and ammo drop deliberately placed to absolute perfection.

This game has a level of polish and detail which is all but extinct nowadays, and all this back in 2009. Berton, Bakken, Miller and Pfeiffer pulled out all the stops on this one. Cramming everything that makes Halo great into a 3-4 hour campaign, that never lets off the throttle. Joseph Staten made sure ODST fit perfectly into the story, all the while providing interesting and new concepts.

The game only tumbles twice, in my opinion. Once at the beginning with the brain-dead tutorial and during the last mission. The last mission just looks a little unfortunate at the tail end of an almost flawless experience. It underdelivers on the pacing, stakes and difficulty. This being said, it's a fine mission and people are too obsessed with endings anyway.

Play this game. You won't be disappointed.

The Man Who Sucks at Erasing His Name

It's 5 stars because you can play as Tashigi

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Even though I knew the ending like years in advance, I think it’ll always hit like a truck. Plus the JP voice acting really sold it with Cloud’s scream and just aghhhh FF7 will always be fantastic

Euphoria seemed like the future 15 years ago with this and GTA IV, but they never really went further.

The story is middling to mediocre, Starkiller is fucking stupid and hope they never make him canon. Having someone who can canonically go toe to toe with the emperor just floating about is not a good idea.

this is how portal will look like in 2013