This was very nostalgic for me and I loved everything about it except the gimmick of catching pokemon to gain XP

One of the best and most beautiful games to release in the past decade.

Probably my favorite Fantasy RPG of the decade

The absolute pinnacle of 2D Platformers, Rare created the best one of the best SNES games ever, this game shits all over Super Mario World. And honestly David Wise should be held on a pedestal with Koji Kondo, Marty O'Donnell and Nobuo Uematsu

It's still my favorite Valve game but it requires a machine that is capable of rendering literal human skin and organs to run well. Still at 45fps and shiny surfaces (and blurry as ♥♥♥♥ vision because of DLSS) it was alright. Stick with the original unless you have the aforementioned computer

Game number 3 in my Pokémon randomizer nuzlocke playthroughs, I haven't touched this game since release and playing it again was a great time. Generation 3 is my second favorite in the series and these remakes are a great time, maybe not as good as HGSS but still an overall fun time, the game is a bit easy, though my difficulty this time around varies as my encounters were randomized. The soundtrack is also fantastic and while it doesn't have that toot toot charm of the original GBA games, it still is one of my favorites in the series! Great starting game for any new player and a good time to return to

The end of this game nosedives and becomes a masochist torture session

While I'm not the biggest fan of Echoes (my least favorite of the trilogy) it is a damn good game. It has probably the best atmosphere in any Metroid game, it's eerie and genuinely creepy. I hate traversing thr dark world because of how unsettling the music and literal atmosphere is. This wholegame gives me anxiety and I don't find myself replaying it as much as the first game but when I do I always have a good time. This is actually a decently difficult game, I died 5-6 times in this playthrough compared to the first games 0 deaths. Game is brought down by it's awful method of backtracking for sky temple keys, which I suppose I'm used to by now but I still hate doing it every time I replay. Music is still steller and the exploration is always fun. Multiplayer isn't something I find myself playing, it's too basic and doesn't mesh well in my opinion, good music though..

(Note I played this game on PC using the PrimeHack Dolphin emulator build, thus motion controls are only what I remember from when I first played)

Metroid Prime 3 is may not be the perfect exploration game the first is or have the eerie atmosphere of the second, but it is a damn good time. Plenty of fun to have here, a little more story than usual and probably too many quick time events (using the wii mote is awful, pc controls map it to one key) But overall a great experience. Though I wish the other hunters had a bit more substance. Each area is unique and fun to explore, bosses are very gimmicky in this game, when using the original wii controls it can be a bit fun at first but quickly grow tiresome. Overall a good conclusion to the trilogy, can't wait to see what happens in the sequel if it ever comes out...

Went into this game hearing it's one of the greatest games ever made and wasn't disappointed by great protagonists in Ellie and Joel, an emotional, grounded story and amazing music and setpieces. While I don't know if it's even in my top 10 of all time, it may very well be my favorite PlayStation 3 game.

Not very long but provides some good context to what happened to ellie and how she saved Joel.

This is hands down Rockstar Games greatest game ever made, and one of the best games to come out in the past decade. The most detailed open world I have ever seen, even 4 years later. A phenomenal story with great characters, missions and set pieces. You could be in a shoot out with cannibals one second and admiring the extremely in depth and rich world the next. Every single person who had a part in developing this "game" should be extremely proud and deserve the best. I love this game so much my second playthrough was just as emotional as the first, and I STILL found new things in this game I had never seen before. It's a shame the online mode was killed in favor of GTA Online but that hardly matters to me at least when the single player is nearly perfect.

Rockstar's greatest game if they didn't make a sequel, John Marston is one of the best written protagonists and the entire spaghetti western vibe this game gives out is phenomenal. Always preferred this one to GTA.

A fun little side addition to the main game, doesn't take itself seriously and is just there to provide some extra fun to a great game.

A great addition to an already great game, music and what story there is a great time, however I found some levels just straight out unfair unless you were perfect.

Multiplayer is better than ever when Nintendo's network decides to work. Hero mode is the best it's ever been and Ioved the music and characters as always.