It's totally fine. Character action games rarely click with me. This worked for me enough to make it through the 20ish hour runtime.

I love everything about this game except for how poorly it runs on consoles.

Any time a game requires you to make the fun, I'm immediately turned off. The original Mario Maker did nothing for me but I gave this a shot and I liked the story mode a lot.

This game makes me feel like a huge dumbass and I love it.

I loved the original as a kid but I didn't really enjoy my time with this sequel/reboot version at all.

A fairly short and boring game but it was an easy platinum trophy and I already owned it.

Probably one the best games of the last decade.

Nothing about this game felt good to play.

A pretty dull follow-up to Far Cry 5. I got to the last mission or so and realized I was going to have to grind to continue and this game is just not worth the time and effort.