One of my favorite sports games. Great gameplay, great presentation, deep franchise mode, and fun Road To Glory. Long load times and some occasional glitches and crashes are the only real complaints I have

Used to play this game a ton when I was a kid. While the gameplay feels extremely clunky by today's standards the missions, atmosphere, and soundtrack put many modern FPS games to shame


I bought a scalping knife from a shopkeeper thinking I could sell enemy scalps for money. Turns out the developers removed the feature to sell scalps but left the scalping knife in the game. I played through the whole game scalping anyone I could, enemy or not. I scalped confederates, I scalped natives, I scalped allies, I scalped civilians, I scalped anyone I could.

Completely deranged game, I loved it

For a game older than I am it holds up pretty well. I'd probably recommend using guides or hints found online since a lot of the game can be pretty obtuse but I still had a lot of fun with it

An awful movie tie-in game. Play the uncaged edition on Ps3 or 360 instead.

Fun racing game I used to play all the time as a kid

One of the first games I ever played. I remember playing the game as a little kid in my living room. I didn't know how to use a memory card so I would just replay the first couple of levels until I got bored. The game itself is a decent early 3d platformer but unless you have nostalgia for it I probably wouldn't recommend going back to it.

Used to play this game all the time when I was a kid. I still remember how amazing it felt to finally beat the game with a friend. Played it again recently and it's still as fun as I remember

Great game on mobile. Shame they deleted it.

A mess, but a fascinating mess

The baseball game of my dreams

When the best mission in a game is throwing rocks at a weathervane you know something has gone horribly wrong

My favorite stealth game of all time and easily the pinnacle of the Hitman franchise

A short puzzle game with an interesting story and a creepy atmosphere

A great idea for a game executed terribly