amazing story one best story ever see in a video game

love this game I play it all the time even off on stream

I beat this I didn't really like it I did enjoy it

I beat this three times absolutely love it

this was amazing love it I played it beat it brings back movies I really enjoy it

this game number one game I love playing love the story combat really amazing I really enjoy it already beat on new game plus just waiting for release dlc hopefully

it was alright I enjoy play this game story pretty good

complete awesome game to play I havent played the expansion but I want to maybe later down road

this was such amazing I love it but think should did better on it

this game such amazing story I really enjoy it playin it I get the expansion for this one too

this game was such crazy amazing story and I love it I love get someone feed back this one

such amazing story if they ever decide make uncharted 5 definitely buy it

love the campaigns never did the muiltplayer but amazing campaign I played it when was young I still love the campaign til this day