13 reviews liked by jpablojr

Played this on my iPod, sadly it was taken down off the app store and I lost this old iPod, RIP to me ever playing this game ever again, but for the time I got to spend with it in high school. It's forever bangin.

Opening threw me off, but oh my god everything that made the first one great was even better in this one. Completely sucked in and enthralled emotionally, never before has a game made me feel so connected and vulnerable both emotionally & in how I conduct myself in a moral way within this world. To summarize this shit bangin

From groundbreaking to cringe to respected

what a legend

play these games for their over the top cinematic quality and gameplay scenarios.

This game sucks at delivering that, which means I have to look at the story and that shit is cringe

Following the release of one of their better titles in the series. 2K did the most 2K thing imaginable and released this GOTY

half a star is too high

Crashes before every match, what an absolute joke to release it like this.