Nice gameplay, nice story.

More of a proper RE entry than RE6.

Awesome story!
Nothing special about the gameplay - to be honest, gets repetitive quite quickly.

Decent gameplay. A bit repetitive.

Nice gameplay, nice campaign, decent FPS.

Nice game, with good horror elements.
A bit too weird story.

Not an improvement over the predecessor (gameplay-wise).
Regarding the story - did they even try to do a decent job?

Still, fun to play.

Fun to play.

Nice story, decent gameplay.

A bit too linear - the side quests are too simple, and the hunts not as entertaining as in XII.

Decent game, but seems like a further step away from the franchise's roots.
Not as interesting as the previous 2 entries.

A really fun game to play!
Good installment of the franchise.

Decent remaster. Decent game mechanics.

Interesting game, with decent story and nice game mechanics.

Basically, just as good as the original (which was awesome!),
with upgraded game mechanics.
Amazing gaming experience!

Amazing! Just amazing!
As a HP fan, I believe this isn the Hogwarts game the fans needed.
A bit repetitive fightinhg mechanics.

Good game!
Decent game mechanics, nice game art and story.