"Who Want SOME WAAAANG!" ( Lo Wang)

"I love U Master Chef"
"Ooouuh" blushing

"Look! I think is the Jack Joyce"
Too good, almost reached perfection...

That way I'll get fat, cake everywere... poor protagonist...

Chomp, chomp, chomp... and puzzles!

Pew, pew, pew, RIP... pew, pew, pew RIP... music

Main title ost is pretty good, the game too bugged in coop mode... pew, pew, pew, and big chasing LASER!

"Hacking MOOODE!"
It is HARD, but the NES version is HARDER... coool main title music

Story... meh, gameplay... so so, so China is the best of the trilogy...

Senua! Jack JOYCE! Just kiddin'...
Too good story, scares a bit

Too many references... mind OVERLOADING!
Good classical RPG, just CHILAX and play

Diablo with jump and quests, but less interesting... freakin' crazy last boss is the unique thing cool

Only bad ends for me... the makai last boss is too HARD!
Jigoku is easy, get good ending is HARDER...

This looks more like space ship game... pew, pew, pew!
Good ending still hard to get...