Finally got around to playing this game after replaying the hell out of the first one a good few times. It goes insane.

It's a crazy pretty game, the visual style is just perfect, they went for something different than the first game and they just nailed it dude, I would stop moving sometimes to just look at stuff, it is GREAT. Every area is just full of detail and personality and stuff it ROCKS.

The new characters are all just really nice, there's a lot more going on than in the previous game, I love Lolo she's epic awesome she's Lammy coded... I used to think the design for Klonoa himself was weaker than the og but honestly they were kinda cooking with his fresh new look...

Music is incredible just like before, lot of variety in sounds and it's just really cool all around. There were a lil couple instances of penis music later in the game but not enough to really complain about it.

I loved that bit in the first game where after you finished a level you'd get a lil tune depending on how many guys you saved and it's not here and it made me sad ngl I love the lil music guys.

As for gameplay they added a lot of cool new mechanics and they really take advantage of em and it makes for really cool puzzle platforming, was having a blast, but I kinda didn't fuck with the gimmick board stages that much? Not that they're bad they're just whatever I guess.

All in all it was a really damn good game, I just kinda liked the first one more, it felt more consistently good even if 2 goes harder in some areas.

Also with it all being 3d models you'd think it'd translate better than the first game to that phantasy reverie remaster but NO they just fucked it up BAD holy cow. Please play the og if you do ever play it PLEASE.

I kinda wasn't really vibing with this game, cool gameplay and presentation but the narrative was doing nothing for me.
And then the undub patch I was playing kept freezing so I had to switch back and hearing Lezard Valeth go from really menacing voice in jp to Nerd Emoji type guy in the dub just ruined my mood for the rest of the playthrough...

Klonoa rules dude, it is a game of all time, it oozes charm through every aspect of it.
Presentation is perfect, from the visuals to the music to the UI to that lil cute bit they do in between levels; very likable characters on a nice lil adventure with crazy good moments; love the gameplay too, they get some good mileage out of the fairly simple mechanics, though some platforming sections are a bit evil, but what can I say I do love me some fucked up evil gaming :)
To me it's just a perfect game honestly, I love it very dearly...

If you're interested in Klonoa PLEASE play the original release PLEASE I beg of you.

the vibes are immaculate but I've come to realize that this genre is just not for me, I feel like I could just do cookie clicker while watching vampire hunter d or something and get a similar experience

it could be because of the clunkier animations, it could be because of the way more evil level design, I don't really know, but this game feels like a real piece of shit compared to the original. Something about the physics and the combat feels really off too.
Got pretty far into it but at some point I just didn't feel like playing any more, it was just a frustrating experience...

one of the first games I ever played, playing and learning this game with my older brother was a blast, tho I never finished it until very recently... and man I think it's aged really gracefully, still a very nice game to pick up and play honestly

Very good adventure game with fantastic presentation, characters and pacing, was having a great time through it all.
I do think it could be like 2 hours longer or something tho, because IMO it kinda rushes the final stretch and left me slightly unsatisfied, but despite that I think it was very much well worth playing through it and would recommend it to anyone.
SE please for the love of god release more stuff like this, ty.

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Homestuck if it was good

Even if you don't wanna engage in the gacha, they're nice enough to give you the best character right from the start anyway, Ichihime is just perfect.
Also the game part is pretty fun too I guess!

Back in the day my family got me a PSOne that came bundled with a dancing mat but no DDR to be seen (that store really wanted to get rid of their ps1 accessory stock to make space for more PS2s lol), tho I eventually got my hands on 5thMIX. It was my introduction to rhythm games and a general aesthetic that I still think very highly of even 20+ years later, both ui design and character design (5thMIX Emi may have been my first videogame crush). I played it with my family all the time, my older brother also had a dancing mat so we could go at it together and it was great. I never got to play the arcade version so I could have been missing out on a lot of stuff and I'll never know, but honestly who cares, even as it is, the PS1 version of this game remains very important to me.