It took a while to properly get into this one but man, Dark Souls really is something else.

Really hard to say anything original when talking about this game since everyone seems to have said it all already but I’ll just say this:

It’s an amazing ARPG that commits to some absolutely crazy ideas that make sense once you get into it. So many elements from story to mechanics seem to have been tailor made to create this soul crushing atmosphere which allowed me to truly immerse myself into the “dark” themes of the game.

An impressive blend of narrative and gameplay that few games have achieved, Dark Souls is a one-of-a-kind experience that has earned its position as one of the greatest games of all time.

It’s certainly up there for me.

Resident Evil 4 is one of the most influential games of the post 2000's and has kept a strong status since it's initial release in 2005.

I am pleased to say that Resident Evil 4 has (for the most part) kept it's status as a unique blend of action and horror. However it has aged in the graphics and writing department, which are at times pretty bad.

Some would say the dialogue is intentionally bad but I always found that to be a poor excuse, this era of Capcom were still pretty bad for voice acting anyway.

The controls take time to get used to but work to the title's advantage as are the high amount of quick time events. They all add to the panicking horror experience that Resident Evil is known for, of course with a more action focus.

The core gameplay is still a whole lot of fun and was the last game made by series creator Shinji Mikami so the classic Resident Evil feel is still here, even with the action focus.

I liked Resi 4 more than I was anticipating and was the game that captured my interest into playing the series. For the few things it does wrong, it makes up for it in being an all-around well-designed experience from beginning to end.

Weird-ass game but it rewards players who are dedicated to it.