experiencing the euphoria of playing halo for the first time that everyone yaps about sure is an experience

if you told a person 10 years ago that ea would make a beginner-friendly souls-like in the world of star wars with uncharted-like setpieces and then they'll either look at you funny or just punch you, but this is cool stuff

while calling this marvel card tactics persona might seem derivative, that's almost exactly what it is and if you dont like any of those four words, it's simply just not gonna be as fun for you. and while this game has stellar combat, the story can be a bit of a slog and while the dialogue can be charming it can also be extremely grating at times. that said, this is still a stellar tactics game and something id recommend to fans of the genre

more demonic enemies than doom

king players deserve whats coming to them, i don't make the rules

finally, a game that makes you FEEL like robocop, in all its clunky glory

alright swinging combined with shitty level design, bad combat, and a terrible plot makes it live up to it's reputation

while being short, overstays it's welcome towards the end and also is a pretty shitty pc port with one section giving me constant crashes until I played on windowed

has some of the best pure spectacle put into a video game ever, with competent enough gunplay and great writing, this is truly a standout in the genre

undoubtedly one of the most unique and human games that's ever come out, nothing else like it

short campaign riddled with reused assets and bad mission design leaves cod's punchy gunplay to be its only saving grace. zombies also just a copy and paste of a previous sunsetted mode in warzone while leaving multiplayer as whats essentially glorified update.

yeah world building's cool, but god damn does everything else sorta just suck

i love nrs jank!!! i love nrs jank!!!

normal mode is literally a gerber baby food commercial and then hard makes you want to tear your skin off, there is no enjoyable way to play this game. and after all of that, this has an ending that's specifically made to have shock value just so this game isn't forgotten in dirt.

trying to match john woo's aesthetic by making clutter in a one shot top down shooter is certainly a decision of all time