82 Reviews liked by karameru

I really like how this expansion experiments with roguelite design and had a fun time playing it, but I also think the often recycled levels can cause the mode to suffer from repetition.

I think this is a pretty fun little expansion, and a fun little foray into roguelikes for Nintendo. Notice how I said little twice?

I don't want to sound like an entitled gamer with this review, but my biggest complaint with Side Order is that it felt like it was JUST short of being something really special. The first chunk of this DLC is really cool, the tutorial climb up the tower is full of dialogue and character interactions, there's cutscenes and intrigue. You get to the top and win the fight! But uh oh, the real big bad appears! Back to the bottom of the spire with you! Now for the roguelite to begin!

Now the first couple runs of Side Order proper are really fun! Seeing all the new bosses, the new enemies and floor layouts, the new chips to modify your weapon! It's all super cool to see, what's next! With little to no upgrades its super challenging and has a good amount of butt clench! I really was proud of myself for beating it on my third attempt (#humblebrag) because it felt like the odds were against me! I cleared the final boss with my final life and got hyped up for the final sequence of the game! It was a really good time, and now they're challenging me to beat it with every weapon? Sick!

However that's where the cracks start to show.

The first thing that kind of grated on me was that excluding the final boss, there are only 3 possible bosses, and you see 2 of them on each run. This leads to the randomness of bosses during runs being, pretty limited. I wish they had either had all 3 bosses during the run and eliminated the random chance, or perhaps added just one more boss so that there weren't so few boss combos possible. Second, the chips simply aren't as run changing as they should be. The ultimate change in each run is what weapon you're using, it doesn't feel fun to build around certain chips when all that REALLY matters is the gun. Finally, the "hacks" from Marina make subsequent runs trivial once you have enough. After clearing the tower 2-3 times, I don't think I lost a run until the final challenge.

As for the story, well. It's really bare bones. You get scraps each time you beat the final boss with a new weapon, and the dev logs explain how the expansion came to be, but it's not really anything crazy, unlike the octo expansion in the (much better) game before this. There's some cute dialogue in the elevator going up the tower, but in a game that encourages you to beat it at least 12 times, it repeats too soon, and I started skipping it.

Ultimately I think it's the best part of Splatoon 3, which is not a high bar as I think splat 3 is a step down from it's predecessor. So if you already own the game and have 20 bucks to spare, check it out, its fun enough to dive back into Splatoon for a bit.

Finally I want to talk about the final challange Spoilers ahead for that I guess (it's just gameplay mechanics.)

The idea of climbing the tower with no upgrades again was cool, something deserving of a giant reward. It was cool to some extent! I liked only having one life, it made every mistake feel grave and I went into a panic! Beating the final boss as "wimpy" as possible felt cool too...

and then nothing. no cutscene. barebones rewards. nothing. Hell, the story implication is that you just saved your own soul and they don't. really mention that. I was really pissed at this. I get a reskin of a weapon I don't use in the multiplayer, and a sticker for my battle tag? and story wise all i get is a pat on the back from Pearl? come on dude.

oh my fucking god i can't believe my shit ass 4th grade self played this

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"I wanna get ruled by a sexy spider queen"


As someone who loves the Skyrim/Fallout formula of clearing a map and exploring what the world has to offer, I was reasonably excited for this even if I wasn't expecting the best. Unfortunately Starfield just takes away the sense of discovery that was captured in previous Bethesda titles and leads to samey encounters in very samey locations, not to mention a really uninterested world and quests that while I vibed with a few, I felt no real impetus to continue. not a badly made game, just a very VERY bland one unless space theming alone is enough to interest you.

I'll be honest, given hempuli's recent games I fully expected this game to be another troll game but was pleasantly surprised to find that this is actually a proper puzzle game and the only joke about it is the story
The puzzles themselves are very interesting and while still being hard are a lot more reasonably difficult than Baba is You was.

It has aged well and is still fun playing today, if you re looking for a good PSX platformer, you cant go wrong with this one.

This it the kind of game that comes around once in a generation. The platforming is tight and responsive, the moveset is simple yet fun, and the presentation is top notch. However, what really elevates Klonoa to "masterpiece" status is the story. What starts off as a pretty basic fantasy affair quickly turns into one of the most emotional, touching stories that I have ever experienced in a video game. Saying any more would dampen the experience, so I will leave it there. From my experience, I'd say that not only is this the best game on the PlayStation, but the best 5th gen game period.

fought god to get this running but it was so worth it

This is an experience worth sharing.

Please don't go into this game with any other expectation than that this is going to be heavy. Despite being only forty minutes, please take as many breaks as you need. Make sure you review the content warnings.

it feels wrong to give a star rating to something like this, i think it was wonderful that the author could put this out and that they were very brave for doing so, i also particularly enjoyed the presentation

I have been sitting on this "Review" page for almost an hour. I do not think anything I can type here gives this game justice, so I'll leave it at this:

This is an incredibly heavy story with a lot of suffering. Despite the 40 minute runtime, it manages to portray a lifetime of pain. With all of this trauma in mind, the game almost feels "boring" or "mundane" in its presentation. Something traumatic happens, and the main character says "nothing changed", or "no dramatic music played". Things are still the same as they were before. This is what the character tells themselves, almost refusing to acknowledge the heavy things that are happening to them.

It is heartbreaking to say the least. Overall, I think this game tells an incredibly important story, about life, circumstances, and a messed up society that forces good people to do things they don't want just to get by.

I recommend this game, but will refrain from giving it a "rating" at this time.

a deeply visceral, affecting experience. the amount of courage it takes to put something this deeply personal out there is unfathomable to me. i hope that one day, i'm able to do the same.