82 Reviews liked by karameru

THIS GAME IS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You remember the Daddy O Five YouTube channel years back? This is them now. Feel old?

cinnamorolls adventures of me

The fact that Nintendo put out a free Zelda game is pretty astounding - you'll never see them do that again.

The changing art styles are neat and its a blast playing with friends but doesn't really scratch that Zelda itch.

Unironically a banger, doesn't overstay it's welcome, worth the $0

throwing my younger brother off every cliff I could find never got old

i kind of feel like crying sometimes when i remember how my cousins and i would lie on our beds in the evenings and play this together

my teeth be lookin fresh af

this is the only thing that aint keeping my teeth from turning brown thanks pikachu

men (clive) waists be so small like what do you need that small waist for? for other men to grab it? whore

man… where to start. what a fucking game. the soundtrack, the visuals, the VOICE ACTING. all fucking top tier, and some of the best I’ve seen in gaming up to this point. Clive is a top 3 FF protagonist and I will stand by that forever. my biggest gripe with this game however, was the pacing issues and the side quests being very samey. Overall, this was an incredible experience that I would highly recommend and my current GOTY.

Um jogo que merecia mais reconhecimento, história, personagens, gameplay, bosses e quase todo resto é de alto nível, quase chorei com o final desse jogo (e ele é melhor que o 7 só deixando claro). Ninguém pode me convencer de diminuir um ponto da nota, foi uma das experiências mais divertida que eu já tive, são poucos personagens que me fazem genuinamente ficar com saudades deles depois de terminar um jogo

Walk tall... My friends

I haven’t played this since launch - the Royal edition is a huge improvement. I liked it a lot more than I remember! It’s still a huge mess and the story is so awkwardly constructed, but the main 4 guys make any redeeming quality of the narrative work. Combat is a million times better being able to switch characters, the ending chapters are more interesting, and the general pacing feels better.
I love so much about this game despite it being horribly unpolished in a lot of areas. It’s clear they had to salvage this from VersusXIII’s remains, but it’s a miracle anything tangible rose from those ashes. The story on paper is awesome, but is so awkwardly told that it’s hard to follow in the moment. It’s a cool entry, but it’s an above average one to me. Despite that, the main cast is some of the best the series has to offer and I love the hang-out nature of the game. I def get why this game would mean so much to people though. It’s overflowing with sentimentality and love, especially due to the main cast’s dynamic. Really cool game. Was wild going back to this after XVI.

The quarantine game. I spent 250+ hours on this, most of that time being within the first few months of release. It's just a cozy little life sim that you can sink hours into. It could use more content, but considering the hours I got out of this game, I can't really complain.

cool little story. also yes, you can still see the whole story after the eshop closure:

- download game and DLC
- play as normal
- buy the game
- if you get the successful purchase animation, continue
- if you get an error that game is no longer available, move on. you won't miss out on any dialogue
- go to home and try to open game
- if you had a successful purchase, you should be able to play as normal
- if you get some form of error: quit game and reinstall the DLC. it will work again when you boot it up

also works with the non-story games. keep haggling and don't just buy the games at full price just because you won't be spending money anymore.