8 reviews liked by kayluh

Chris losing his men again :(

I love to go pow pow 👊🏽

At first I was more of a fan of Kurt's story than of Harry's. Kurt's just felt a lot more emotional and I never really understood Harry's romantic pull towards Julia. Kurt fighting to get through to war to back home to his family and to find his son felt a lot more grave than Harry simply wanting to tap into the glory of war to impress some girl. Towards the end (like Part III), the bond between Kurt and Harry felt more worthwhile and I felt a lot more invested in the game. Definitely felt disappointed with the ending *I* got the first time, but I really love that they included multiple endings. The art/visual style was great, the soundtrack pretty nice, and the play style was a nice relief/change from other WWI & WWII games that are always third-person or first-person shooters.

Also, I loved playing as Lottie the cat <3

I genuinely enjoyed this. The ending felt like it could've been a little stronger, but I'm not sure if I or someone else could offer a better alternate ending. Overall, the recurring themes had me really emotional, and I loved the story overall. The map they used for the forest was really well-made, better than some open world maps made by AAA games.

I also was really glad we go to adopt a turtle.

Super cute. I don't think there's one character that I disliked. I also loved the secret ending bit.

this has been one of the first open-world RPGs i've played in a while where the side missions do NOT feel like a chore and you genuinely do not want to stop playing...

i'm glad that the CD Projekt Red team made the effort to patch and provide updates that keep the game alive. it paid off.

finally finished one of my many playthroughs and goddamn. though i have some overall issues with the story - particularly re: wyll and the lack of content for his romance especially - i can't deny this is magical. i haven't had a game hit me this hard in a while. i did cry a lot in the end i will admit

ratonhnhaké꞉ton is genuinely the best ac protagonist. argue with a wall