465 reviews liked by kccrawlingchaos

Crazy how sexual tension between 2 girls and a guy makes the story that much better.

Everything else is just better than the original too, absolutely zero issues aside from the last like 20% of the story, it's a bit too samey to og considering what happened just before it but apart from that I loved it.

Chaos ending is so cool man, I think law fits more and is better but chaos is just COOL.

i love my autistic wife yoko hiromine

god this series hits unreasonably hard when your irl family is dysfunctional lmao

I'm not interested in dating or marriage but I'll change that if the announcer for this game narrates my wedding

A decent action-adventure game with slightly above-average combat, excellent audio, an interesting setting, completely deflated by one of the worst asspull endings I've seen in a while. I may want to replay the earlier sections of this game someday, but it's going to feel really bitter knowing what's going on with some of these characters. It's competent enough that I would bet on Shift Up having a masterpiece up their sleeve, but this is not that game.

All human conflict that has ever existed can, under a certain lens, be compounded to a microcosmic world of pairs; two bodies, two hearts, two minds, two souls in unison. Beasts called “man” circling, waiting to pounce, to swipe, to put out the flame of another’s candle.

The will to protect one's world / The pride and joy of conquest
The universal desire to be understood / Blatant disregard of foreign perspective
The fear of losing one’s life / The ancient, primal thrill of the hunt
The sacrificial call to arms / The lonely road of revenge
The love that binds all hearts / Hate enough to carve to the bone

In a flurry of steel, sparks, and sinew, we shed our faces.
Under all that armor, under all that skin
We are animals all the same.

So, you’ve come hoping for a really in depth and detailed review? Unfortunately I’ve only ever played this game once and to be honest…it is a much MUCH more interesting story. In the future, I promise I will actually sit down and review this game. But for now: get a drink and a nice snack, sit back, and enjoy my glorious tale.

It was around about 8 years ago I’d say and me and a friend were in a random arcade. We were sort of browsing around, looking through all the different games they had to show. And that’s when…we saw it. Time crisis. For those that don’t know, time crisis is essentially a first person on rails shooter which were pretty popular in the arcades during the late-ish 90’s. The thing is here is that you have a small pedal which if pressed: will allow the player to duck down and reload their weapon. So when me and my friend saw this game, we decided to give it a go. How hard could it possibly be? We said to ourselves.

I’m sure this is the point where in your mind you’ll probably hear thinking ‘oh this is the part where he reveals how hard it actually is and then there is some funny moral to the story later’. Unfortunately, I’m gonna have to crush those expectations.

So my friend inserted 50p of British currency into the machine and started playing. We’d both agreed that he’d have the first go and later I’d have a go after he died. But after 10 minutes or so, we realised that he was better at time crisis than we thought. He was brilliant at it in fact. I just sat there watching him. He decimated every single enemy in his path. The villain laughed: thinking that he was some sort of joke. But, he was so, so wrong. My friend kept pushing the pedal like there was no tomorrow and landing every hit. After a while, I began to wonder if the machine was rigged. But those thoughts were soon put to sleep as finally: he beat the game.

So what is the moral to the story then? Just because you think a game is gonna be really hard doesn’t mean it always will.

Great gameplay, story happened, pedal was harmed, ACTION! RELOAD!

I had already played DMC 4 and 5 but never gave a chance to DMC 3. When my brother bought it for the Nintendo Switch, I decided to give it a try, and holy shit, this game is amazing. It quickly became my favorite Devil May Cry game. I really like how short the game is, which allowed me to complete it multiple times on different difficulties.

The combat may not be as stylish as DMC 5 and 4, and I didn't use the free style feature in the Switch version that allows you to change styles mid-battle because i still had to level up the styles. However, the story is by far the best that the Devil May Cry series has to offer. The missions are simple and fun to play, and the bosses are incredible.

all of the dungeon/boss themes were composed by vocaloid producers which is all you need to know
lowkey better than at least some of the nusona games

EN: Amazing return of one of the best Gamecube games, if not the best.

They bring back the Thousand Years Door with the Origami King engine redoing all the scenery, music and more, adding quality of life improvements that solve the worst of the original, the backtracing.

My problem with this Remake is not the nothing of the game, but the technical aspect, you can tell it was planned for the next Nintendo console, they didn't even bother to optimize it to reach 60FPS and it runs in very low resolutions (500p in portable and 900p in Dock).

I don't think it's justified that it costs 60 dollars having the amazing work of Metroid Prime at 40 dollars, but I don't regret it, it's totally worth playing this game even if you've never played the Gamecube version.

PS: Nintendo missed a great opportunity to add a post-game and a boss rush holy shit.

ES: Increíble regreso de uno de los mejores juegos de Gamecube, sino el mejor.

Traen el Thousand Years Door con el motor de Origami King re-haciendo todos los escenarios, música y demás, añadiendo mejoras de calidad de vida que solucionan lo peor del original, el backtracing.

Mi problema con este Remake no es el nada del juego, si no el apartado técnico, se nota que fue planeado para la siguiente consola de Nintendo, ni se molestaron en optimizarlo para lograr alcanzar 60FPS y se ejecuta en resoluciones muy bajas (500p en portátil y 900p en Dock)

No creo que esté justificado que cueste 60 dólares teniendo el increíble trabajo de Metroid Prime a 40 dólares, pero no me arrepiento, vale totalmente la pena jugar este juego incluso si nunca has jugado la versión de Gamecube.

PD: Nintendo perdiste la gran oportunidad de añadir un post-game y un boss rush por la chucha