157 reviews liked by killb

we moved from the attack, dodge, attack pattern to stunlocking enemies without even moving truly a sequel worthy improvement
no but really why did they have to butcher the combat so hard i don't get it

Stellar Blade is just a rhythm game with Sekiro combat & NieR vibes. The OST is calming, Nier-esque ,angelic. One of the most beautiful combat systems ever.

Easy GOTY contender.

The lane is system is stripped down compared to the other games, what we get instead is an extremely focused and bombastic fighter. The combo system gives it so much character than a lot of other fighters at the time. It feels like all the characters are full secrets waiting to be discovered.

Koei Tecmo, this is a fine lesson, DON'T CATER TO ESPORTS.

They don't want you. Don't believe me, remember the phrase "Core Values". And FGC needs some core values themselves

DISCLAIMER: I do not give a FUCK about the dev drama. I have my own opinions about what happened, but it isn't my or your place to make judgements on an art piece based exclusively on one sole exposure of its creators. The steam reviews and part of the backloggd reviews are so clearly negatively biased towards the game because they're terminally online, faux-altruistic psychos who are reductive to the art of critiquing games. Games, for the most part, are to be judged on the material presented in the product; and that product is one of the best new indie games I've played in ages.

Forgoing sucking off its gameplay premise, Fight Knight consistently evolves on its mechanics and designs in a traditional, linear, and fantastic way. In an era of indie games where most aim to reinvent, subvert expectation, or stand out arbitrarily, Fight Knight can only be described as confident and sincere.

There was never a moment where I felt a headache coming on due too an overly complex puzzle. Any headaches were induced purely by my own mistakes, both in and out of combat. Enemy AI is stoic, and not very complex or manipulatable, but in turn makes approaching them a unique challenge with each armor set. Each fight is a puzzle of reaction time, weakness recognition, and player ability. Marry these concepts with amazing set pieces during boss fights, awesome cliches, and amazing art direction, and you've got half a great game.

The other half of this great game takes place in a dungeon crawler, and like the combat, the puzzle of each challenge makes me feel like Einstein. Which, to be honest, is all I can really ask for in any game. Its complexity, difficulty, and engagement only evolve on themselves as the game go on, culminating in a game that can only be described as "fucking cool."

I want to be able to tell you to ignore what you've heard about the game and its history- but I know for a fact no one but me is reading this. So I'm gonna tell "you" anyway. Play this game and see for yourself. Stick it out all the way through, even if it isn't your kind of game. I would mock the games visuals, writing, and overall idea before I played it.

Then I played it.

This game is tight, short and to the point, the only problem I have with it is how a lot of stuff has to be learned by trial and error, and the mistakes are heavily punished. All in all it's still a fun adventure

You could say this is one of the first modern AAA western games. Doing 5 things kinda mediocre instead of one thing really well.

It's turn-based only in the sense that I take time to turn off my Switch and open a YouTube video on my PC before remembering to continue.

This is just like a sonic game (Derogatory)

Essa média é reveladora, o gamer atual está precisando fazer amigos. Impossível não se divertir jogando isso em grupo.