funny little thing i enjoy it very much

sadly its just super desolate now

This game is a great sequel and has an amazing story but goddamn the puzzles to this game sucked so bad. I almost quit because of them but would’ve missed out on its phenomenal story. The twist in the game took me by surprise and left me speechless for much of the game. This game would be 10/10 if it wasn’t for the puzzles.

I hate but love this game. This game makes me want to die but also gets me really addicted whenever I play it.

Best way to play Ocarina of Time. With the newest update it’s definitely a game changer, can’t wait to see all the custom models.

Good game not much else to say. Love the art style and the graphics were great. They definitely refined the Persona system well in this game but made it ridiculously easy. Some skill cards and Personas are just so OP that it’s basically cheating. In terms of Persona it’s one of the weaker games in the series but still super fun.
Also Third Semester was the best part of the game it’s literal perfection.

I remember me and my brother playing this game on the PS3. This game was hella fun at the time but yeah this game hasn't aged well at all.

Loved this game when I was a kid. Beautifully designed but I do think the paint aspect has aged a little poorly.

My go-to favorite survival game. Got this game when it was still in beta, still play it off an on. I don't really care for the actual story I just do the survival mode.

Copy paste Zelda BOTW format and a weak ass story, I didn't like this game mainly because of how grindy it got and its gacha system made me less inclined to play. Also this game nearly blew up my computer.

Great game but still haven’t finished. Maybe I’ll get around to finishing it but it’s taken a long time.

This game is visually, musically and narratively stunning. Metroidvanias aren’t really my thing but this definitely is one of those that I could get through (well sorta). The bosses are too tough for me but I like making builds and playing around with different styles in order to beat the bosses.

Hopefully I’ll be able to finish this game one day. It’s just collecting dust in my Steam library atm.

This game was okay when I started it. Has so many bugs and basically I quit 30+ hours in because the game wiped my save from the face of the earth. I don’t think I’ll ever play this game again.

Traditional Gwent from the games is better. They added too many different cards that really make this not very fun to play. It would’ve been fine if they just stuck to the original card sets. Still had a lot of good elements but not something I’d ever play again compared to the traditional Gwent.

This expansion/mod was what I’d imagine a second/follow up to Champion’s Ballad DLC to BOTW being. Wish a lot of what this mod had was in Tears of the Kingdom.

Amazing game with an amazing story with some great side quests that makes the world feel alive and different. Although not as fantastic as Witcher 3, there was a lot of things this game set up that made its way over to its successor.

Compared to Witcher 3, the game's combat and gameplay is not very polished, and very hard to get accustomed to especially if you only played the third game. It does the job, though, but I wouldn't say it's great.