I remember playing this game when I was a kid but don’t remember much else about it. I used to like the setting for icewind dnd wise but yeah. Maybe I’ll revisit this game in the future for nostalgia.

I’ve been replaying Cyberpunk 2077 and it’s DLC and thought I’d give my thoughts on the game now that 2.0 has been out for a year or so.

I began replaying the game this year after having an itch for Cyberpunk content. Now after all it’s been through, I think it’s one of my favorite games. It’s come a long way but holy shit I love this game. I love the world, I love the story, I love everything about it. I love how engulfing the city is, how you can hate it but also love it at the same time. It took me a while to appreciate and fully embrace this game, I think but hey it’s definitely one of my favorite worlds now.

A bit of background on my experience with Cyberpunk: the game was one of my most anticipated for years, but I never ended up getting it on launch because of the horrible state it was in. I decided to wait and ended up getting the game on sale roughly 1-2 years later.
My first playthrough was entirely different to the one that I experienced with the 2.0. I used to think that a lot of the mechanics and gameplay was very half-baked, along with the exploration. It made Night City feel void and lifeless. On top of that, I played the most of my first playthrough on PS4 which was interesting to say the least. Overall I think the best part of the game was its storytelling, and thought for a while that the game was a forgettable gaming experience with only a good story holding it up—leaving me to not pick up the game for a while.
That was until Edgerunners came out, and after I read up a bit on the modules did my opinion change a little. Finished my first playthrough and that was that. I got Phantom Liberty when it launched, and I loved it. I still love it. The one thing CD Projekt is good at is making phenomenal DLCs and I’ve said it before but man I wish it came with the game. I used the same character I used for my PS4 save on my PS5; Nomad route and netrunner build. I ended up 100%ing the game and put it down afterward.

2.0 is the optimal version to play the game on, hands down. The update has changed a lot of things and added a whole lot more: they tweaked the skills and stats system, added cyberware options (which is one of the things I had complaints for), improved the exploration and immersion by adding things like transportation and more.
Cars still drive pretty bad, and the police system is still not the greatest but I’ll take it over the old system. Overall, Night City feels like a city now, not some devoid ghost town like before.

That’s all I gotta say. Cyberpunk is an amazing game, it’s come a long way. One of my favorites for sure now. I think that if it launched like this, I would’ve immediately loved it.

Started playing this game around 2012. Love this game. Used to be super goated at this game and loved building really intricate stuff, and enjoyed Hypixel when it was still very young. I think I’m just growing up but I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to anymore. I can’t play this game for long otherwise I get fatigued nowadays. I have a really bad Minecraft burnout. I have a lot of core memories on this game.

Also the Minecraft parodies… 👍👍👍

By far my favorite horror game. Lives up to the original and does a pretty damn good job at being a standalone Alien story as well. The way the AI works in this game is honestly insane to me. This game also holds up very well visually. Beat the main story on normal difficulty but god I tried Nightmare and it’s literally impossible for me.

I remember playing this in middle school and thinking this was peak now I’m like eh. I think YouTube overhyped this game.

Began playing this game on launch and became a fun little game for me to play. Price for seasons has gotten too high and a lot depends on the cosmetics. Easy for someone to get burnt out in because the material is extremely repetitive. Sky’s social culture has began to become toxic nowadays but it was really great and nice when I was playing the most. I’m so glad they added a Journey cosmetic.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have a very hard time getting into this. The gameplay is frustrating and jank, and the general UI is hard to adjust to. I want to give it another try, but it just isn’t for me I think, which is sad considering that I’ve played similar games to this in the past.

I remember when this game first came out back in 2015. I played the game's demo super early then got the full game but forgot literally everything about it. I'll replay the game eventually, I remember it being pretty good.

This game is stupidly fun and I had a blast making coasters and my own theme park.

Whenever a new Spider-Man movie comes out I always end up getting into Spider-Man stuff for a while. I picked this game up on sale not expecting much other than some fun and was pleasantly surprised to find that this game has easily become one of my favorite iterations of Spider-Man and also one of my top games. Loved the open world feeling of NYC and web-swinging around the city.

Nothing beats the soundtrack in this game it's just so good idk how it's THAT good.

Oh I guess the other parts of this game are cool too, I like the level design and some of the boss fights.

This game is overrated but still pretty good. Tells a good story but not as great or grand as Ocarina of Time. Thought the clock system was really fun but took a while for me to get used to. Has dark undertones I really enjoyed. The dungeons are cool but didn’t wow me. In terms of Zelda, this game was meh for me.

Also Ben Drowned.

This game had the worst Zelda puzzles out of any traditional Zelda game I’ve played and I couldn’t finish the game. Story was great.

Played this through my darkest times and I have no idea why but this is a game I went to if I didn’t feel like playing anything else. I have no idea why I spent so many god forsaken hours in this game. It is fun though.

This review is subject to change because it being in EA and all that. This is all based on my experience before 1.0.

I’m pretty confident to say I think I’m done with the game for now. And I absolutely love this game and they did so well making Hades 2 feel new and refreshing.

Hades 1 is my favorite roguelike ever. I can confidently say this game is a phenomenal sequel. The amount of content in the early access is insane.

There needs more work to be done with the weapons and boons (cough cough Hestia). Overall though it’s impressive how well everything synergizes already.

Once there’s more story content I’ll pick this game up again. There’s a lot missing right now when it comes to the story.

If you love roguelikes and loved Hades 1 it’s definitely worth picking up even if it’s not finished.

Death to Chronos!