I am not a squeamish person. I wish I had a semblance of a warning of what was to come before I played this game besides, "it gets a little spooky at the end!"


visually gorgeous even if the characters didn't seem as charismatic to me as ZENO's cast

what are you thinking? don't go back to the womb! it's very dark in there and you'll lose all sense of autotomy! find the warmth of a woman somewhere else!

green mage my beloved.
i like the music and gameplay, most of the other characters didn't quite stick with me as hard though. was lukewarm on the ending and its parallels to UNDERTALE pacifist run's end.

Ingenious writing and gameplay. One of the best games I've ever played. I wish I could experience Portal 2 for the first time again so I can feel the things I felt when Glados threw dommy mommy insults at me every time I finished a puzzle.

This review was written before the game released

High rating for just how much it made me and my friends laugh (and also freak out) when we played it.

I found the characters extremely charming but in need of fleshing out—alongside the worldbuilding and the environment—for full investment. In spite of this, it's extremely impressive how much was achieved in such a short period of time and I look forward to a possible update that delivers on expanding the otherwise promising game.

Definitely one of my favorite RPGhorror games as of late! Extremely well executed horror (that stamina bar made me groan when I saw it load for the first time)

I like businessmen in suits.