91 reviews liked by kmrt

I fell for it thinking it would be like Disgaea and suffered a terrible fate. Don't follow my steps.

Tried to think of games worthy of half a star and then I remembered I spent money on this

This game, if you use fan translation, will not work on real hardware

One of the best platformers I've played, it was very challenging yet forgiving at the same time. Klonoa as a character was pretty awesome and I love the sounds the characters make.
Looking forward to playing the second game soon!

I have never been this conflicted on a piece of media in my entire life
It's like if you mixed an 8.5/10 with a 2/10, there are some INCREDIBLE parts here, but they are all beneath needless CP, incest, homophobia, and just a lot of icky shit I hate

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"i'd rape the raper"
~brian hugh warner (1996)

after a grueling battle with ladle man, a terrifying encounter with scream man and the incredibly shocking reveal that the queen of the castle was actually a lesbian rapist herself, i can see why this series is held to the same standards as the most revered philosophical literature

bonus points for the translation - i really started to feel like rance when he fucked someone so hard she started spouting programming language and speaking in japanese

Old RPGs are what idle games wish they could be.
They place context and an explorable map around a simple loop of: 1. Grind 2. Get weapon 3. Use weapon to grind more.
The exploration is incredibly intuitive, I only resorted to GameFAQs on two occasions: Once to verify I was right (I was), and secondly because I was stupid and forgot to note down a hint (which you should do). The design of this game is so tight that if the philosophical idea of game design could be wrapped around a watermelon, said melon would explode.
Play dragon quest, you will enjoy it, if you don't, you just haven't gotten to a stage in your life yet where you will enjoy it.

replayed this after replaying 1, i feel like this game has big 2 steps forward 1 step back energy.

a party system :)
dogshit encounter rates :(
stat buff and debuff spells :)
the fucking cave to rendarak :(

i think overall i am a really big fan of the changes this game makes, and if you have the patience to beat the first one you probably have the same level of patience to beat this one. if you take on most or all random encounters you face, which will be a fuckton, you probably wont have to go out of your way to grind levels at any point of the game. i also think supplementary things to listen to in the background like your own music or podcasts and maybe the occasional guide usage helps with these early dq games. despite vividly remembering the gripes i had with this game the first time i played it, i still think it's worth a shot if youre into these really simple early jrpgs

game is good you guys are just bad

Started a genre! I first played this game in 2021 and fell in love, since I've bought over 100 JRPGs. I was unwilling to give the game a chance because games like FF didn't appeal to me, but after octopath I thought I would give this a chance and man did this game not disappoint. anything that holds up after 30 years is god tier.