replayed for the first time after the 360 original and it still holds up really well. awesome platforming, language deciphering, and searching for secrets. any game that makes me break out a notebook is a good time

neat game for when i want a tactics fix

strangely addictive and has extremely good aesthetic. i just love the bunny sprite and the animated effects. i got "retrievers" today and that was a hoot

platforming occasionally janky. incredible art style. enjoyable boss fights. lots of things to go seek out. some stuff is bafflingly only available in NG+, yet bits of it show up in NG, which makes it confusing

short one with a few good puzzles. i really liked the strategy game part. fun to figure out how to do well with your friend.

multiplayer and chat are a bit janky but the game is really fun. lots of great communication puzzles

very fun with a friend. multiplayer is janky but eventually works

i don't generally play deckbuilding games, but people told me to try this. the mysterious trappings all around were enough to lure me in. it was super fun trying to wriggle out of some of the boss switchups. go in blind and have a great time

probably in like the top 5 best puzzle games ever. the system of rewriting rules leads to so many lateral thinking puzzles it's ridiculous. and towards endgame, things get really complicated. my advice is play with a friend so you can co-op solve those. you'll definitely want someone to bounce ideas off of. this is probably the only puzzle game where i've spent weeks off and on, on a single puzzle. it's so hard but so good.

finished 229 spores, 12 flowers, +3. could not figure out which 2 spores we're missing. that's close enough to done for me.

this is one of the hardest puzzle games ever made, but also has some of the best puzzles ever. a good way to play it is co-op with a friend where you're trying to solve together. two heads are better than one, and once the difficulty really spikes (around where you start getting paradox levels) you'll want some company

amazing setting, very pretty. puzzles are fun but the game should stop funneling me so hard towards the correct solution. let me make a mistake every once in a while, please!

however if you want that in the purest form, play Recursed. it was so hard I haven't been able to fully complete it

dialogue started to grate on me after a while. puzzles are OK but feel a bit samey. it's all move this thing to the last spot you'll need it and then to the first spot you'll need it. then rewind. i suspect it gets harder later but it wasn't really doing it for me. it's got a good setting and quite pretty though


Extremely difficult but precise shmup. if you die, you know it's your fault, but the levels can be, uh, brutal. I'm not sure I can beat any of the challenge levels. You have t play with a mouse, because there's an ability later that depends on it, and it doesn't work properly if you use a controller.

a lot of replayability and some of the best, most fluid movement mechanics of any game ever

confusing story. dripping with style. pretty fun shooting and movement mechanics