Extremely difficult but precise shmup. if you die, you know it's your fault, but the levels can be, uh, brutal. I'm not sure I can beat any of the challenge levels. You have t play with a mouse, because there's an ability later that depends on it, and it doesn't work properly if you use a controller.

a lot of replayability and some of the best, most fluid movement mechanics of any game ever

confusing story. dripping with style. pretty fun shooting and movement mechanics

it got very hard and i'm not that good at this style of puzzler

not difficult, but cool to watch and has fun mechanics to mess with.

suprisingly good shooter with cool combinations of mechanics

precision platformer kind of game. very difficult. i ended up bailing because i wouldn't make progress until i could get the best rank on each level, and then my thumbs hurt

so good i 100%'d it a second time when this came out. gold standard of metroidvanias

it was so good i got everything except the speedrun type achievements. gold standard of metroidvanias

It was pretty, but I remember it being a bit boring overall

I think it was OK but honestly I can't remember much about it. I think it wasn't very memorable.


It is possible to give more than five stars? This game is so chock full of secrets it's ridiculous. I also can't say anything more about it because that would be spoilers. That's the best kind of game, actually.

very pretty. a lot of the puzzles are "how do i get from here to there?" and it was a lot of fun

i think i wanted more interesting combat than i got