objectively not a great game, but i'm still very fond of it. it's a narrative clusterfuck, but the physical progression through that narrative is impactful (and fun!) nonetheless.

i wanted to like this game so bad but the late-game twist ruined anything this still had going for it by the final act

the puzzles were mindnumbing. the performances were okay. the premise is still interesting to me, but the follow-through just isn't worth the hassle of getting to the end

i'm having a hard time rating this because i enjoyed it a lot at the same time i think it's pretty flawed. i thought the mystery was great and i had fun trying to figure out all the different parts, but some of the twists just didn't land for me and some things weren't adequately addressed or satisfyingly concluded. i thought the somniums were vastly improved from the first game, though.

i want to study ryuki's brain.

it looks very fun! but i enjoyed watching other people have fun with it more than i enjoyed actually playing it. i don't think it's a bad game -- i think i just need to accept these games aren't for me, as i didn't really enjoy botw that much either, but i still wanted to give it a fair shot. might come back to it some day, might eventually commit to watching someone else's playthrough instead, but i think i'm done with it for now.

man this game still really sucks huh. i can never forgive how they absolutely eviscerated aerith. but 2 stars for zack i guess, they somehow stumbled into making him likable despite running face first into a wall everywhere else

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i have incredibly mixed feelings on this game. i really enjoy the character interactions, but at times, characterization takes a backseat to prioritizing fanservice. i like the execution of many scenes, but some, in comparison to the original, are simply not as good or are straight-up missing (barret vs dyne, for example, suffers for its hollywood dramatization; missing pieces of the sleeping forest make it far less impactful, even though those changes make sense in-context; the absence of the water burial is keenly felt, and even if this is intended to be included in some manner later, i really doubt it can induce the same feeling in retrospect). it's fun to see characters like zack again, but those characters are so wildly out of place their scenes feel more comical than anything. the minigames can be really fun, but they're in excess to the point of frustration. the maps are beautiful and they can be fun to interact with, but some way outlive their welcome (looking at you, gongaga).

anyway, i don't know. i have a lot of complaints. i have a lot of positive things to say too. some of the new scenes, such as tifa's lifestream sequence and the temple trials, were genuinely well-done. there isn't a single track on the ost i didn't like. despite getting tired of some of the maps, i still had enough fun with the moment-to-moment gameplay to fully complete all of them. i could really talk about it all day, but i don't feel like doing that on here, so i'll just say that, for all its faults (of which there are absolutely many), i still very much liked it.