16 reviews liked by ledankasauras

own it. never played it. never will. got it for free on Epic Games.

Stuck in the digital cuck chair once again seeing my wife getting piped down by the nostalgia critic the ocky way after murdering spoony after gym class

Letting Eastern Europeans make video games was a massive mistake

this game isnt as bad i thought it was but unfortunately my SD card got corrupted while playing this game so i give it a .5/5 and if i could i would give it a 0 combat is insanely fun but the story is lacking a lil, i really like the interactions between some of the characters but man i fucking hate morgana so much

This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression

If this lets me turn off my body cam before unloading on a low income bystander then plant the devil's lettuce on their body it will be my dream cop sim.

game tries to make playing centrist a fascist-type ideology. as a proud radical centrist it is other people's duty's to be wrong, not mine. will not be raising my score until this issue is rectified and dealt with accordingly

Dogville (2003, dir. Lars Von Trier)

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