The gameplay is repetitive and story is pretty simple, but I've enjoyed the game for what it offers. Had a lot of fun trying the different snipers and just clearing the map off zombies.
There's also 16 different characters to choose from, 8 of them from the Left 4 Dead series. In my opinion the original survivors are fun in their own right even though they don't say anything.

Beat the game on 4 player co-op on Sniper Elite (Elite) difficulty. Truly Elite.

What can I say, it's Tekken.
The gameplay is smooth and the characters have their own fighting style which makes every character unique.

The addition of Rage Art is a nice mechanic to get a comeback or extend your combo.

The story is short but pretty nice.

I'd recommend this game for people that like fighting games or have played the previous entries. 8/10

(100% on PC and Xbox)

Scribblenauts is a fun game but i can't recommend it to people.
This is because the game is mainly focused on kids.
The levels are hardly a challenge and end up being repetitive and grindy.

Would recommend getting the game if you are not familiar with the language or have kids.

i rate 6/10

If Halo and Diablo had a baby it'd be Borderlands.
Liked the main game.
The DLC's made me want to crawl in a hole and never come out again.

Headliner: Novinews is imo a big improvement on the first Headliner. I feel like the choices you make have more impact on the world around you and it's not just black or white. The characters you meet are pretty fun to talk to and you have different option when talking to them, which is good for the replayability. The dialogue will change in some parts after you finished your first playthrough.

I would recommend this game for anyone that likes propaganda

8/10 would burn the city again

This is a review for the base game only.

So Dying Light is probably one of the most enjoyable zombie game out there.
It has parkour, different types of zombies and craftable weapons.

Especially the grappling hook you acquire later in the game will make u feel like you're also Batman.

Night is pretty fun since you'll get chased by Volatiles which are special zombies that are almost unkillable during the early game so you're only option is to run.

The story is kinda mediocre and the early game (especially on Nightmare) makes the zombies feel like tanks since you don't do alot of damage.

I recommend this game for people that like zombie games, parkour and dropkicking things off buildings.

I rate 8.5/10

Fun game, where you can build little towns for the Keflings.

(Achieved all Base game achievements)

Great atmosphere and pretty funny.
The story is also nice.

Basically a choose your own adventure. A lot of ways to play the game and it's also fun when playing with friends.

I've tried to explore everything on my first playthrough and got about 160 hours into the run. Great game

I can fix her, but do I have to?

A lot of stuff to do. The game is repetitive, but it still kept me engaged with it.