January, 2022


3h 0m

Finished the last 1.0 Archon quest in Liyue today



1h 0m


3h 0m

poker: still fun. Sorta thinking "wouldn't this be nicer if it was on my iPad tho?" lately, so maybe leaving for greener pastures soon.

20h 0m

Probably played this 20 hours over the last week. This is shaping up like it might be my forever game for this year. I would like to move to Liyue irl please.



0h 15m


10h 0m

Played probably 10 hours over the last 7 days. Still early on in the Liyue chapters. Sidequests and shiny things are my downfall in every open world game. Still: this game is a fun, endlessly chill, brain-as-smooth-as-skinless-boneless-chicken-breast good time




1h 0m

Less toxic than every other shooter out there, but still... Solo queuing is hell and I don't have enough friends still playing to ever form a 6-stack.

Every 50 games or so, I run into a QP team so salty that it makes me quit straight out of the match and uninstall.

I'm ready for Overwatch 2. Let's put this one back on the shelf until then.