March, 2022



0h 30m

oh holy shtt, the horse levels are dope!

Elden Ring fanboys need to know that Bleak Sword got there first


3h 30m

Meant to get on for half an hour today, ended up playing all morning.

Reached Adventure Rank 40 and leveled up to Lvl 71. I also hit 100% exploration on one of the regions in Mondstadt.

Game continues to delight.


70h 0m

According to my Battle Chronicle, this was my 100th day of Genshin.

I’ve just started exploring Inazuma and Dragonspine. My Aether is at level 70, the rest of my main crew (Ganyu, Diluc, Barb, Fischl, Sucrose, Xiangling, and Benny) are all at 60.

I’m sure I’ll be letting off on the gas on this game when the weather gets nicer come Spring, but it’s been a lovely way to pass the time this Winter.

February, 2022