what makes a home isn't the place, but the people

im weak to found family :,)

there's quite a few different found families, but the one closest to my heart is hu tao and zhongli ;v;

just a 5000+ year old god and his teenage boss who runs a funeral parlor
(will expand on in the future)
a man adopts two teenagers, gives them guns and they uncover the secrets (and their own past traumas) on a post-apocalyptic steampunk earth along with clear-cut social class
i can't say much but RYNE
the boys... their banter... their relationship with one another... the trust they have for each other... i miss them everyday... "you guys are the best"
ahhh i don't remember much but the wayfinder trio :,)
i go back and forth with the idea of whether the main group is found family or not due to interesting conversations with friends
yuffie and sonon... they give such brother and sister vibes but the scene on the train and when yuffie says "i'm not your sister"


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