Ten-year-old me thought that this was the best Kirby game ever made. Ten-year-old me was right.

I literally cried while playing this. The ultimate cozy game.

This game is (unfortunately) extremely addictive to anyone who played dress-up games growing up.

Fifteen years later, my family still jokes that this is the worst game ever made. Thanks to my aunt for seriously misunderstanding me when I asked for Nintendogs!

SO CUTE for all the found family lovers out there (A.K.A. me).

I just wish it was longer! I finished my playthrough in only 27 minutes, and although the game's probably got a few replays in it, I am hungry for more! A sequel/expanded remake with more story and character development would make me VERY happy.

I would describe this game, above all else, as educational. It taught me a LOT about the funeral home industry and the options for what to do with loved ones after death. The game also isn't afraid to shy away from heavier topics and issues with the industry. The narrative was satisfying and there were a few really poignant moments.
Players are not given any choices within the game, and there is no skill required. Education and narrative take the forefront. Everything you are meant to do is heavily telegraphed, usually with text explicitly telling you what the next step is. This, in some ways, is good, because it maintains the game's educational and respectful tone. Obviously, a game teaching you about how to respectfully care for the dead doesn't want you to accidentally do something wrong with one of the bodies. However, this also means that the game requires no skill or agency. This is a neutral fact, but one that potential players should know going in.
ALSO: As stated before, this game deals with death and all the heavy topics surrounding it. Only play it if you are in a good headspace and are ready to confront such topics.

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I gave up after getting stuck on the level where you have to repeatedly sexually harass your coworker.

You can beat this entire game in five minutes. That's not a compliment.

This game is great, but playing it with my little brother made it even greater. A charming way to spend an afternoon with a loved one.

Turns out it's very fun to choose who lives or dies! I just wish the game did a bit more with the idea.

Extremely charming! A simple puzzle-platformer that introduces a few cool ideas without overstaying its welcome. I'd recommend it to people like me who are intimidated by platformers but don't want to be.