This game made me realize I'm transgender so it gets points for that, but overall definitely a product of its time and a necessary evil.

Strongly considering abandoning this just for how unbelievably difficult I'm finding it. This game feels like having a second job. The checkpoints are complete garbage and the vehicles are like they're made of paper, you slightly brush against one thing and suddenly you're smoking and on fire. I do want to see this through to the end but I gotta find motivation to even do that. If I can praise at least one thing I like the character animations and voice acting. I'd probably enjoy this more just watching the cutscenes on youtube.

I really don't care if Yosuke had unused voice lines that indicate he was meant to be romanceable at some point it should've happened to Kanji instead.

Beautiful story, fascinating characters, fantastic soundtrack & atmosphere, this game is almost a masterpiece but like most people say, combat is not great and in my opinion, gameplay in general is a little stale that makes it hard to replay. Hot take though, I don't think combat is as awful as most people say, but I do think there's somewhat of a learning curve which is still annoying. Otherwise the way this game displays both the horror of cruelty and the freedom of forgiveness is something that's stuck with me for years. I could write a whole essay on that and the many faces of love that's shown in this game. Owning a physical copy of this is one of my biggest flexes, and eventually I'd like to get "Everlasting true love, I am yours" as a tattoo. Cannot recommend enough, truly my favorite video game of ALL time.

Gosh the tears in my eyes. The plot, the themes, the characters, the dynamics, the drama, the lore, the emotional moments... everything was garbage from beginning to end. Definitely the worst game I've ever played.

Hope you like grinding, cuz that's basically all this game is

If you want a story about a guy who ruins his life & the lives of those around him because of an illness he refuses help for, just watch Breaking Bad.

i miss this like one would a lover

My love for this game got referenced in my autism diagnosis

Best thing about this game is that you can tell a guy the dog killed his girlfriend. 10/10

Failed the stealth tutorial 3 times and had to restart a save because I got stuck in a door. I love it!
Edit: Forgot to mention I also got softlocked near the end of the game because I guess I didn't select the right dialogue options that progressed the story and had to reload a save. Still love it!