It's currently the best way to play MM. Don't even bother with other versions. The 60fps and the upscaling is just beyond awesome. The engineering that went on this Recompilation is just awesome. Kudos to Mr Wiseguy!

Played on the Recompilation on PC
This game is one of those games that is just weird. And what makes it weirder is the fact that this is a Zelda game and not only that, it is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time. Where to start? This game is the embodiment of a trip, the game creates a small universe that revolves around the characters in Termina and not around Link (like the other games in the series). This world building makes the world feel more "alive" and you really start to see the details that are put around the world. From the Dekus in the woods to Ikana, every place you visit feels more detailed (compared to all the places in OoT), this makes the immersion better and, sometimes, creepy and sad.

This is a tale of mainly loss and moving on, or that's how I see it. And in the end, everything will be alright, and the world? It will just keep on moving...

A classic that is improved by QoL features. This romhack makes the games more enjoyable in almost every way. The way that the D-pad is used is just top notch.

An interesting spin on the original Doom formula. This game is more unforgiving and in some levels even unfair. It is a lengthy game with weird design choices. The design (for some people) can be frustrating, at some points in the game you can be teleported to a tiny room filled with demons that decrease your hardly found health. Despite this, the game is fun, and the game loop just shouts early FPS level design.
For me, the levels are more fun to explore than the ones in the original Doom. Backtracking is not tedious and in fact, it's challenging, since many enemies may emerge from hidden rooms that are in previously cleared areas. Most levels are well distributed between fierce action and quick exploration. Sometimes you may see very obvious secrets, other times you will be punching or shooting the walls in every level.
Sound design and music are not my cup of tea. However, I understand the hardware it was developed on, and also the influence of metal and 90's rock music. The variety of demons makes this game more dynamic. You are forced to play the game differently compared to the original game.
In the end, this game improves on the formula of the original Doom. This game is proof that a simple game loop is sometimes better than a game with complex mechanics.


It's an awesome game that, even though it's 30+ years old, still holds up to this day. The run and gun is absolutely fun and the variety of the four chapters is great. If you have some free time give it a try, it is a classic arcadey shooter.

Really easy platformer. Nostalgic trip from the PSX era. Nothing much to add.

The ROM Hack is great, the og game is still garbage.

The best platformer ever made.