i love this game, coop is extremely fun, and the extra modes are even more fun
mercenaries is amazing
and i love the story of each campaign, especially chris's
its still good when playing solo, very fun

start is boring. tutorial "phase" takes such a long time
its okay, the combat is good, but its nothing unexpected, considering tomb raider 2013
the game just fails to be very interesting
and when i saw the amount of collectibles and stuff like that i just totally lost interest

visuals are great and all but
failed to be interesting to me, idk

if you really like the other batman games, sure
it's very glitchy (glitched me out of 100%) and weird sometimes
the story is very nice though, has a lot of cool bosses
and the combat is what you already expect

fun when you don't get paired against an addict, still, can get boring somewhat quick

truly revolutionary but that's about it
everything sucks, controls, shooting, missions, dialogue, music isn't memorable at all
the missions are extremely boring, there's no variation at all
but... i guess it was just the base of all gtas right

GREAT, it's pretty much a B scenario for RE4, it's very detailed and it has actually new levels, as opposed to the OG SW where you just did the same things as leon pretty much.
there's a whole another side of the story here
it's... paid though... but i guess its understandable, just a shame that there's no assignment ada with it


hmm i never got to actually finish it since i only really played this as a kid
it's a solid game thooough, has nice visuals and its just very nice, good atmosphere etc
it doesn't get me too hooked to actually play

i haven't played much of it
it's okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay but it's just... soulless idk
like it's fun, but for some reason it feels like i'm playing a game that has no name (?)
its okay though eeh idk

this game has the best memories i ever had on ANY game, EASILY hands down no cap (its something not related to the game directly though, lol)
what can i say, this game somehow manages to make what a lot of games can't; it DOESN'T feel DRAGGED
every part of the game ends at a perfect moment, and every part is actually very unique
the dialogue is very nice, idk
doesn't have that LOAD of unskippable cutscenes that makes other playthroughs extremely annoying

meh, it's okay, not memorable at all
i think it ended up being more of a chore to play ep 2 honestly
it's okay.. simply

it's good, but like, l4d2 is pretty much this but better

it's such a nice game
has a very nice atmosphere, great music and great characters
i really liked it honestly, her power is interesting too
the game does fall off at the end though, nothing makes sense lol

it's still great!
even though it IS weaker than the first season, the ending is pretty good
that's pretty much why it isn't 5 stars though, it's just a little weaker, meh
still pretty good

I really wanna like it, but the tutorial/prologue just really wears me out
music is good tho