As much as I want to give this game a 5/5, I realize that the lowest points of this game bring it down too much to give it 5/5.

Some of the chapters in this game are just not fun to play through (IE: All of Xen, On a Rail, etc). Interloper for example has incredibly bad level design (that I admit I had to search a let's play on what to do) there's no proper way the game tells you to go so you're just stuck there wondering what to do. On a Rail is just incredibly boring. The intro of the game is just a tech demo to show off what the engine could do. But for the bad chapters, you get some really fun chapters like We've got Hostiles.

I think in general, if you accept that this game has some low points you'll have a lot of fun with what the highest points of the game has to offer.

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Classic. While I prefer the series in it's horror era, I can't deny how amazing Resident Evil 4 really is. Amazing gunplay, great level design (MOST OF THE TIME), and replayable.

One of my favourite aspects of this game is its really goofy cut-scenes. They increase the charm level of this game ten-fold. Leon breaking into a house and speaking full english then killing the first ganado is unintentionally really funny. Leon also saying "No thanks, bro!" also got a chuckle out of me.

While the game is great, there is one low point in the game that makes the score go from a 5 to a 4.5, the final act of the game (The Military Base) feels like a huge quality dip compared to the other 2 acts. Krauser's boss is easily killed with the knife (Which I can't tell whether if it's intentional or not?), the entire tone feels changed compared to the rest of the game, it feels like it leans fully into the action (Except for one segment with the regeneradors). The level design is also noticeably worse than the rest of the game. I just don't really like a lot of the aspects of the Military Base act.

Had much more fun with this game than Sonic 1. This game has much better level design than it's predecessor, it feels like this game was designed around Sonic's movement rather than a generic platformer's levels. There are still some stinker acts, but in my opinion this game's low points are more enjoyable than Sonic 1's low points.

TL;DR: Much better than the first game but still has some acts that stink.

I found this game to be kind of a slog to play through. Some levels are just not fun to play through (For example: Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone). Sonic's movement is really fun, but the level design forces you to go slow for some reason.

For me this game just played as a below average platform game. I can however recognize that this game has good foundations in terms of the player movement which is improved later on in the classic games.

I beat this game in one sitting. Where do I start with this game. This game has terrible writing. It's incredibly boring. The only reason this game has high reviews is because people want to fuck the sister character. The most annoying people you know like this game.

Without a doubt, one of the worst if not the worst sequel ever. Terrible combat, the animations for the sword feel incredibly slow and janky and unlike the other games different moves in your combo are reliant on where your joystick is resulting in this weird system that's really uncomfortable. Terrible story that feels unfinished. In most of the cutscenes, Dante is just kind of there. Lucia, I did not care for. Arius (the villain of the game), has no motivation besides evil business guy that wants to be the king of the world (I think?). I had to search up what his name was because I forgot.

Even with the massive downsides to this game, there are some aspects of this game I liked despite how flawed it is.

1. The OST is ok. It's not mind blowing but at least it isn't annoying.

2. Dante's character design is the best in this game.

That's about all the positives I have for this game. The development of this game is more interesting then the actual game itself.

Gameplay wise, the third game is much better. The atmosphere however is untouched. Out of all the Devil May Cry games, I personally have this as a favorite. Something about it just lures me back in. I find this game's direction to be more interesting, I kind of wish the other games took more of the direction that DMC1. Overall, I think this game is pretty fun (even if nightmare exists) to this day. While the combat is simplistic it provides a nice entry point into the series.

Signalis has quickly become one of my favorite games of all time. It's an excellent love letter to Silent Hill, Resident Evil and even a little bit of Alien. The story is fantastic. The gameplay is great. Everything about this game is amazing.

Please play signalis.