shouldn't have smoked that shit now i'm in oerba 300 -AF-


this is one of those games that makes you just repeatedly run through everything in your head that makes you feel passionate about games over and over. one of the most engaging adventures i've ever experienced. the last few days spending time with this slowly figuring everything out and collecting the manual is going to stick with me for a very long time

gripping story and atmosphere (foregoing dungeon music for the entire game except the final worked really highly in it's favor). battles were a bit mediocre in this one, with mechs especially feeling tacked on but considering how heavy this leaned on story instead it wasn't too much of an issue. good stuff.

a really interesting proposal for what a fighting game can be. a practice in atmosphere and display of experimentation that feels lovely to be in and see where it takes you. making divergences from the set formula of the arcade mode, characters changing fighting styles for plot motivated reasons and a lack of care for competitive viability. something i wish more fighting game studios did at least once, not something i think needs to entirely replace fighting games that aim their sights at competitive audiences but a breath of fresh air that can co-exist with competitive games, fighting games that just Are.

of all the games i find myself defending i never thought i would be going to bat for this one. there's something about this one to me especially playing it off the heels of my first ever watch through of the animated series but i really wish this wasn't roped into the film, because first of all. it does not adapt or run parallel to the film and besides the design of aeon herself and a few minor details features almost exclusively original material or inspiration from the series and the thing is that it's done fairly well. but this comes with the large caveat of the game being Terrible to play for the most part and i can only imagine that it was because this game was rushed to meet the release of the film. but if you look past that and look at the writing and the bonus intel cutscenes you can find across the game world there's a certain level of playfulness and care to it that you can really tell that there were fans of the show working on this and i honestly just wish this was given a longer deadline and wasn't forced to tie into the movie because i think they could have made a compelling game primarily lifting from the show and honestly would still like to see a game inspired by the show. i'm not sure if i recommend this game per say but if you can stomach that mediocre to frustrating gameplay you might find things to love like i did.

played this in two big spurts and had such a hard time putting it down for that single night to sleep. what a unique and fascinating game that i'm happy can be translated and appreciated by people now games are so good and cool guys what the hell

This review contains spoilers

so when i had finished the initial 2 endings i was going to give this a simple but overall positive but mixed review of this game having some overall pacing issues but interesting ideas and some genuinely tense moments until i reached the point where i had to complete all 6 routes revolving around the characters in this game (which are required in Noah to see the true ending) and well... it complicated my thoughts to say the least.

having finished the game now i can safely say that I think takumi is a horrible protagonist, and more obviously a horrible person. this would be less of a problem if by the end the game didn't expect me to believe he is rehabilitated, which is something i did not think was earned through the various character endings where he has to put aside his constant sexual assault fantasies in order to progress the damn plot. this is unforgivable to me, especially considering more times than not these end in him and said girl falling in love. am i supposed to just side step this because he pulls through in the end? that makes him redeemed? in my opinion it doesn't and this game does not earn takumi that reward as it seemingly would like to

safe to say these routes soured me on the game a lot, although i still believed that the actual Writing of hopeful moments in this game were pretty well done (despite contexts making them feel a bit unearned) and i enjoyed a fair bit of ayase and sena's routes. this still results in a overall net negative for me and i'm not sure i can earnestly recommend it with the views i have on the game. people seem to enjoy it tho so idk i'm just a girl on the internet

just a really good metroidvania that managed to surprise and challenge me in a few ways. good times.

a bit rough around the edges (as well as some bad crashes exclusive to this hd version) and a pretty basic story but i had fun with this and having played a little bit of the sequel remake already i know that a lot of ideas here got executed in the end so it's hard to feel to bad about that

lovely design and music <3

enjoyable little visual novel with a fun cast. english script is a little rough but considering what it is and how short lived the dev team was it's lucky we ever got it at all. recommend if you're into this sorta thing

Alan Wake is a game i've been putting off playing for quite a long time due to being really fearful of where i would end up in terms of liking it but after playing Control and adoring it (despite AWE going entirely over my head) and seeing exactly how AWII pushed everything together from the sidelines I finally gave it a go! as it turns out I clicked with this a lot more than I had ever expected to, from a distance I considered it's referential nature to be somewhat off putting at best and annoying at worst (especially as a huge fan of twin peaks) but within the context of the game and it's narrative this ceased to be an issue for me, the way it explores meta narrative through the lens of someone actively struggling to come up with something good, to explain away why anything is happening ended up coming together really nicely in such a close way that could have easily fallen apart if even nudged slightly to the left. my one complaint in the narrative would have to be that I wished Alice Wake got a little bit more room to breathe, everything involving her revolved around Alan and while yes, he is the protagonist I think fleshing out Alice would have only serviced the story more.

gameplay was gameplay. I didn't have any major issues there other than they could have improved the dodges, gun feel nice.

enjoyable tactical rpg with some flaws but none that i think are game breaking or as extreme as some people would say (including the 3D art style added to this remake but thats entirely subjective)

if i had a complaint it would be that the final bosses for both campaigns were both pretty underwhelming (the second campaign moreso) speaking as someone who isn't really that interested in challenges in games

other than that i'd say this is perfectly worth your time and i hope square allows forever to work out the flaws with this remake on the second one

one thing about me is i love a style over substance ps2 action game and this was very much that. played it over a discord stream with some friends and had a great time highly recommend if you have about an hour or so on your hands

also the model viewer in this game is presented with an action figure aesthetic which is really fun and i love that