At this point of my life the poignancy of this game felt therapeutical

Hadn't had this much fun with a game in a such a long time

This felt so "unfinished", the plot is a mess but I'll blame it on the serviceable translation

I know is not that bad, but god do I hate this game. Changed my whole prespective on the series and never have I hated side characters so much as the trio of loser kids that follow you around.

I tried so hard to like this, honestly, but I just couldn't. It feels so cookie cutter and now whenever I see the word "open world" I get immediately turned off of a game.

This is good, great even. Just not my Zelda.

Was it really only 80 hours? Felt like a lifetime.

It's stupid, bombastic, ridiculous and depressing too? I love this. Gameplay is kinda bad tho gotta admit it.

The charm and creativity is also its biggest setback. The story is just...really bland and uninteresting. But I see immense potential here, just maybe not as an RPG.