This game surprised me. I was expecting a generic platform since Nintendo never gave to much credit to this franchise, but in was wrong, it was a very good experience! The gameplay is super fun, the graphics and art direction are amazing, soundtrack is beautiful and the winter aesthetic never gets repetitive on stages. Challenging game but also very fun. This is definitely a must play.

One of the coolest basketball games of all time. The graphics were good, the character creation ok and the gameplay was great! Super fun experience. You need to play it.

It could have been a very good game, if it weren't for the bad gameplay. It is still enjoyable, though. Buy it for the challenge and the fun mode to customize your board.

You don't even need to like skateboarding to enjoy this game. Absolute classic, this game does everything right. Good gameplay, memorable stages, good soundtrack and is challenging in the right level. Must play in anyday in anytime.

One of the best RPG's from the playstation era. The best idea here is the fact the game has a very good level up experiece points system which doesn't use the exaustive grinding "method" but rather makes acessible high level enemy areas for rapid progress. The story is interesting with a "nature vs machine" setting. The soundtrack is memorable and the combat part uses a combo system in battle turn strategy. Very good game.

This game is almost a tragedy. It's not a terrible game, but it is a bad one. It has great graphics and soundtrack (a staple in the franchise) and two distinct characters to play as. The problem is that the negative aspects outweigh the good ones: bad stage layouts, punishing extra level portals, and exaggerated boss difficulty. Skip this one, it's irritating.

This game executes every good idea in the wrong way. If you run to fast you might die, if you play to slow you might die, maybe the water slide is part of the stage, maybe it will throw you into a pit, who knows? It's not that awful, but is struggling to be acceptable.
PS: How did i had patience to beat this game when i was a kid?

You cannot "play" Death Stranding, GoW, Last of Us and call them good games and complain about this one, because is almost the same experience: Start the game, put the control down and keep watching cutscenes until it ends 😂.
Jokes aside, this game is aimed to very, very, very young children, which may not have enough age to grasp video game functionality. I think if they added some very easy challenge, the game could had worked better than letting it play itself.
Only "play it" if you have very young children in your house.

Definitely the best of the PSX trilogy, with beautiful graphics, an amazing soundtrack, and nice options to digivolve your little monsters. Cool turn-based RPG on PSX.

One of those games you can put in the category of : "the beginning of something great". Very short, fun gameplay, confusing stage layout sometimes, but an acessible piece of game history.

This game is so fun! Solid gameplay, beautiful graphics, likeable protagonist and good stages makes this game memorable. A must play visiting the N64

Back in the day, this game was a simple endless runner with a catchy song and very "feel-good" gameplay. Nowadays, it's filled with ads and microtransactions, as these games usually are. Play only if you have nothing better to do.

Good game. The tank controls are acceptable, the graphics are good and the setting is interesting. The story concept is good, but the one present in game is very bland. There are few dinossaurs around to diversify the experience and few action moments in general, it is very similar to resident evil overall, but not quite great. Enjoyable game in general, but never great.

To end the trilogy, Ubisoft tried new ideas with this entry. Great game overall, two different gameplays to the main character and his dark side, boss battles and even chariot races. The combat still good, controls still good, but the graphics somehow not that much. The art style tries to bring back the magic visuals from the first entry (that they abandoned in the second). There are some good puzzles and Babylon looks very different from the first game. Still a great game, not quite good as the first two entries.

Very fun game. Creative scenarios, power-ups, and boss battles. The stages where you drive bikes and jet skis are not very good, but they don't ruin the game. A good game over the first two and a good game to play in general.