My favorite One Piece game to this day and a great game in general. It's a sequel/expansion of the 'Grand Battle' game, with a fun story mode and a lot of side content to explore. The gameplay is average, the roster is good, and the stages are very fun. The downside is that the game is missing some characters, and I felt that this game could have included cutscenes or a more narrative way to end the chapters in the story mode. A great One Piece game and a good arena fighting game

A very good game that suffers from trying to 'reinvent the wheel' in the franchise. The story is still good, the gameplay is enjoyable, and I appreciate the distinct gameplay styles of the side characters; each one is unique. However, the game replaces realistic Japanese characters with 'weaboo/anime tropes,' which constantly breaks the tension. Come on, man, the main character being blonde in feudal Japan? C'mon...

A product of his time, this game was impressive back in the day. The controls were sloppy with a weird movement but was an enjoyable game. The main theme was an amazing soundtrack

What an amazing game. Hit all the right notes. The story, gameplay and the Police station as scenario are Iconic. The two main character designs are amazing, with the blue and red scheme makes them eternally memorable. Super fun game with hours of replay.

A solid game overall, but it doesn't excel in any area, and it's very noticeable how some game elements don't mesh well with others. It has good gameplay, an average story with predictable twists, and the open world isn't fully open, which clashes with the need for speed in the narrative. The game truly shines when exploring tombs and in the third act when things delve more into 'ancient site exploration.' It's a good game, not great, but a good game in general.

After enjoying everything about Civilization Revolution on PS3, I decided to try the main series for the first time. Since I bought it in 2020, I have never finished a single match in this game.

The presentation and graphics are great, even the menu design and soundtrack. Overall, it is a very well-crafted game. However, playing on the PS4 is quite annoying. There are too many menus that are difficult to access using the buttons, and the text is too small. It seems like they just copied and pasted the PC version without considering the difference in resolution or adaptability.

I was expecting the matches to be long, but they are too long, and it is easy to lose your units over the map. I have tried to play three times, but each time I kept looking at the clock to keep an eye on my other chores during the day.

It looks like an amazing game, but I will never have time to play it, and if I did have time, I would choose to do more productive hobbies. Unfortunately, I will never play this game again.

This game is not as awful as everyone says it is. It has a limited range of attack possibilities, following its structure of far-mid-close attacks, and has strange spikes in difficulty and grind. The music is good and the anime direct cutscenes are a nice touch. If this game had more development time, it could have been great. It's a mediocre game, but fans of the series might enjoy it.

The best skate game ever and one of the best games of all time. The story is very "easy going and funny", graphics, presentation, and design style are great (shout out to Jimbo Phillips's amazing art style in the comic-like scenes). The gameplay is refined to its best form, and the stages are very diversified from each other. Last but not least, the soundtrack is amazing. I beat this game over and over again; it's an amazing experience and a must-play anytime!

This is a very fun and cute game with amazing presentation, graphics and sound. It is very easy and kid-friendly, too. The sound of Mario crying as a baby is a bit annoying, but you get used to it. It is one of the best platformers to play on the SNES.

Terrible game. Graphics, gameplay and sound. This franchise deserved better.

This is a leftover of Resident Evil 4, with an uninspired setting, story, and gameplay. It may be cool for some people on a very basic level, but it's a very bland game experience. It's not bad, it's just empty.

Definitely the best of the PSX trilogy, with beautiful graphics, an amazing soundtrack, and nice options to digivolve your little monsters. Cool turn-based RPG on PSX.

Back in the day, this game was a simple endless runner with a catchy song and very "feel-good" gameplay. Nowadays, it's filled with ads and microtransactions, as these games usually are. Play only if you have nothing better to do.

This game is almost a tragedy. It's not a terrible game, but it is a bad one. It has great graphics and soundtrack (a staple in the franchise) and two distinct characters to play as. The problem is that the negative aspects outweigh the good ones: bad stage layouts, punishing extra level portals, and exaggerated boss difficulty. Skip this one, it's irritating.

You cannot "play" Death Stranding, GoW, Last of Us and call them good games and complain about this one, because is almost the same experience: Start the game, put the control down and keep watching cutscenes until it ends 😂.
Jokes aside, this game is aimed to very, very, very young children, which may not have enough age to grasp video game functionality. I think if they added some very easy challenge, the game could had worked better than letting it play itself.
Only "play it" if you have very young children in your house.