This is a sequel that feels like a leftover of the first game. The story is not as interesting as the first game, and the villains are some of the most "B-list" villains in the web-head's gallery. The stages are more generic and somewhat confusing in the objectives presented to advance. It's a good game, but it's not better than the first one.

This is one of my earliest childhood memories, and it's a game that ticks "all the right notes" on this console. Since every Atari game plays out like a loop, they could easily become tiresome, but that's not the case here. It's still enjoyable to play every now and then.

Do you know the embarrassment of hearing people talk about a funny video, then watching it and finding it's not funny at all? That's my relationship with this game.

I hyped my brother up to buy it because everyone was calling it a masterpiece. He bought it, and then we played it. The game has a fast-paced introduction of a father trying to save his daughter, then you watch a cutscene, skip some years, walk around people talking, then cutscene, then talking... then cutscene... then you play a little bit of hiding and sneaking, then cutscene, talking.... and that's it.

I know it's a beloved game, but don't play it. Just go to YouTube and watch a supercut of the cinematic cutscenes.

One of the best games in the Mortal Kombat franchise and one of the best fighting games in general. Excellent gameplay, vast variety of characters, interesting story mode , good graphics,, and excellent innovations in the combat system. On the negative side of the game, the soundtrack is still has a low volume and without impact and the characters are "kind of ugly". This was one of the best "comebacks" of franchises in gaming history and an excellent game in general. You can't skip this one.

This looks like a Nintendo 64 game disguised as a Gamecube one. What I mean by that? Everything is very bland and uninteresting: the combat, platform levels, boat exploration, enemies, and so on. Would this game be acclaimed if it wasn't a "Zelda" game? You tell me...

A very cute game with terrible gameplay. It has a good story, vivid colors, cute enemies, and elaborated stages. However, the gameplay gets in your way and makes every jump very frustrating. Since this is a kid-oriented game, it might be disappointing to play, especially if they are very young. Play it only if you're interested in learning more about platform gaming.

Mediocre game, nearly falling into the bad category. No story mode or similar features, heavy gameplay, and high difficulty in deflecting enemies special moves.

A fun game, but too basic... unfortunately, it was rushed for release with the movie. The gameplay feels clunky, and there are few combos to experiment with against enemies. Paul Robertson's Pixel Art oozes with style, and the soundtrack from Anamanaguchi is very cute. This game is average, but if they made a sequel more robust, it could be a beat 'em up classic.

The gameplay is flawed, the enemies are irritating, and the camera is subpar, further exacerbated by poorly designed levels. While there is some value in the overall concept and the ability to kill everyone, it's merely a gimmick. Overall, it's an average movie adaptation that you can easily pass over.

My favorite One Piece game to this day and a great game in general. It's a sequel/expansion of the 'Grand Battle' game, with a fun story mode and a lot of side content to explore. The gameplay is average, the roster is good, and the stages are very fun. The downside is that the game is missing some characters, and I felt that this game could have included cutscenes or a more narrative way to end the chapters in the story mode. A great One Piece game and a good arena fighting game

What an amazing game. Hit all the right notes. The story, gameplay and the Police station as scenario are Iconic. The two main character designs are amazing, with the blue and red scheme makes them eternally memorable. Super fun game with hours of replay.

A product of his time, this game was impressive back in the day. The controls were sloppy with a weird movement but was an enjoyable game. The main theme was an amazing soundtrack

This game had very ambitious and interesting ideas, but the hardware of the time made all these ideas impossible to be well implemented. You can play as Batnipples, Robinipples, and Batgirl, roam through Gotham, visit landmarks and places that are open during specific hours, and follow the plot. The ideas were great, but the graphics were bad, gameplay was awful, and enemies were frustrating to fight against. It hit all the wrong notes. A really bad game, unfortunately.

After enjoying everything about Civilization Revolution on PS3, I decided to try the main series for the first time. Since I bought it in 2020, I have never finished a single match in this game.

The presentation and graphics are great, even the menu design and soundtrack. Overall, it is a very well-crafted game. However, playing on the PS4 is quite annoying. There are too many menus that are difficult to access using the buttons, and the text is too small. It seems like they just copied and pasted the PC version without considering the difference in resolution or adaptability.

I was expecting the matches to be long, but they are too long, and it is easy to lose your units over the map. I have tried to play three times, but each time I kept looking at the clock to keep an eye on my other chores during the day.

It looks like an amazing game, but I will never have time to play it, and if I did have time, I would choose to do more productive hobbies. Unfortunately, I will never play this game again.

This game is not as awful as everyone says it is. It has a limited range of attack possibilities, following its structure of far-mid-close attacks, and has strange spikes in difficulty and grind. The music is good and the anime direct cutscenes are a nice touch. If this game had more development time, it could have been great. It's a mediocre game, but fans of the series might enjoy it.