57 Reviews liked by mantalon

i think this port of minecraft gets a lot more hate than it deserves. it is essentially a port of the old legacy pocket edition and bedrock edition smooshed together on steroids and considering the limitations of the 3DS it's actually quite impressive.
the camera controls with the c-stick take a bit of time and effort to get used to but once you are used to them they are very responsive - at the start of my playthrough i was constantly conscious of my fingers on the controls but after a while it faded into the background (the same way you'd learn to use a more typical analogue stick or a mouse)
there is the occasional lag spike when you are breaking blocks (especially sand and gravel), but the average framerate seemed completely fine and i never had any issues dealing with threats in the game due to lag. also, the game freezes for about 15 seconds every 20 minutes toauto-save, but you can also just manually save when you're ready to which resets the timer. (saving the game does not necessitate quitting to menu, like most other versions of minecraft)
i went into this game expecting a small unfinished sandbox like the legacy pocket edition but i came out having played a surprisingly robust port of minecraft. if i were travelling or on the go and wanted to play minecraft i'd definitely choose this over playing pocket edition on my phone!

The final level gave me carpal tunnel.

skyrim taste so good when u aint got a bitch in ya ear telling you its nasty

my first introduction to the series. one of the 2 games i watched my brother fully play back to back in the point to where i wouldnt need to play it myself. first time i got scared by a video game was by the chaotic and gremlin space pirates in the extremely cold and haunting phazon mines amplified by its shaking ambience. the ost was also the first time i truly fell in love with a soundtrack from a game, anyones that played this will tell ya how great it is no doubt. i love this game more from when i watched it rather than when i beat it

A short little bit of poetry that I'm utterly in love with. Seriously, it's a short, maybe 5-minute bit of writing that is so genuinely funny throughout, with a fantastic backing-track to boot. Easily one of my favorite Bitsy projects that I've played


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Eu já sabia que era mais fácil imaginar o fim do mundo que o fim do capitalismo, mas esse jogo me deu a valiosa lição de que as baratas da superfície e os pervertidos do subterrâneo vão sobreviver aos dois.

A really cool idea that unfortunately is damaged by it's own high hopes. While in the game's fiction you are dealing with a machine that processes language, the reality is that it can only answer very specific queries. The result ends up being less "How do I decode the culture and language of this civilization?" and more "What does the game want me to ask next?" Which can end up being confusing and a tad frustrating.

not as good as everybody's 1-2 switch but whatever

Playing this game immediately after the first one makes it abundantly clear that this is the greatest sequel to any game of all time. Everything that doesnt work about the first game is fixed and its way more ambitious and interesting. This is one of my favorite games of all time. The more I play this the better it gets.

I dont even know where to begin with it. I think the storytelling is far better than the original. It has a more personal narrative, where you and your dragon, Lagi, are hunting down the ancient ship that destroyed your home. The dragon evolution mechanic is one of my favorite things in any video game. Seeing Lagi evolve throughout the entire game is such a cool thing. It adds to the narrative, but also getting better at the game and mastering it gives you further evolutions, so its this tangible reason for you to replay it. This also includes the alternate routes which dramatically change a levels progression. One of my absolute favorite things is that the first time Lagi flies is in gameplay. He struggles to do it during a couple of cutscenes, but then during one of the levels, he finally gets it. Its done entirely through the gameplay and you get to control it. It had a big impact on me even though I first played it decades after it came out.

The controls are emaculate. Flying, switching the four directions, aiming and shooting lasers and shots, it all feels like butter. Its such a satisfying game to control. Everything is so readable. I never felt there were many unfair moments or that the hardware was holding it back. It has a great difficulty curve, its actually a lot easier than the first game, but the scoring gives it more complexity. Its just a nice balance between that first playthrough being impressive versus having really good staying power. Every level is so cool and they are backed by an incredible soundtrack that eclipses the first games OST. The bosses are a highlight too. I love how the game encourages you to kill them quickly, they feel really dynamic as some have hidden phases or have attacks that can be interrupted with skillful shots.

The final boss in this game is legendary to me. It is my favorite final boss of any game. It is epic in scale but it also has this ethereal beauty to it. The track that plays is incredible and the attacks it does are stunning. The second phase is amazing. Its a fight of equals that I dont think couldve been done any better. Its something you gotta experience to really understand and its worth playing the game just to get there. Its incredible stuff.

I really dont have anything bad to say about it. I mean maybe my only issue is that alternate routes are pretty hard to identify in the moment and easy to screw up if you want to play perfectly. But thats something I really dont even mind because I can just play this over and over and over again. Its simply a perfect video game that I hope everyone gets to experience. A real masterclass.
