In Brazil, this game is called Rei do Camarote.

Hoyeon Jung, Squid Game star, reveals in a recent interview to Vogue Korea that lately she's been obsessed with playing as the dolphin in Aero Fighters 2. "I just think he's something the world needs right now, whenever I play him my mood changes for the better".

MID Smashers haha gottem !!!

Linux users be like "Hang on, I gotta turn on my computer" and then do this.

I have no idea what's goin on here but if you just accept that stuff is just gonna happen like if you're watching a soap opera, its alright.

"Time to score me some dick." - Gay .375 Magnum

>Heidern will never tell you "Scary, huh?"

Why even bother...

That means they can be homophobic. Curious...

If Matpat made theories about this game and not FNAF we'd have flying cars by now.

Human beings in a mob.
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a god?
What's a god to someone who wears the tingle costume?

Avicii ruined a generation of Adobe flash gamers.