"that's that shit i don't like" -chief keef


I heavily dislike negativity but often engage in it making my day worse in the process and i get all lame and mopey.

I don't like being a hater, as acting upon it makes my mental problems actively worse, nor do i like seeing haters, here's games I don't like

Tim Robinson Old Guy at Board Meeting Voice

yeah this one hurts. sorry if the creator sees this one, i know they use the site and i just wanna say, i really enjoyed anodyne 2! but i just don't rock with this one yknow. Feels slow and clunky in a way i dont quite like, but story is cool! I love the idea for a island being sentient and building a bond to these guys through the pasts and future, i just dont like how EVERYTHING feels optional. As in a "its okay gamer. You don't have to play if you want 2 :)" like its almost TOO understanding i guess haha.

I'll try it again one day but for now its not a hit with me, looking forward to that 5th game theyre cookin up, seems sick as hell.
too much of a downer, not enough horror for me. I wanted this to be like silent hill mixed with earthbound but it just made me feel terrible about my life and my relationships. trauma porn-ish.
Suffers from trying to be 3 other games. Does it want to be meatheaded action schlock? Action rpg with diverse builds? A nice cinematic story about boy and father? It does all of these, but poorly imo. If any game was oscar bait, this is it.

"NOW THATS WHAT I CALL MUSIC!" of video games
game made by a racist zoophile asshole, on top of this it's terrible lgbt rep! played when i was 16 to go "heh....furries sure are cringe...."

by a years time i was a full blown gay furry
nothing fucking happens in this game
Ages ago when OW1 was running, there was a promo for a free skin for D.Va if you played HOTS for 30 games. I grinded it out with a friend and by the end we were weeping.

The skin was the fucking police skin bro im so embarrassed dude
No story, no characters, dont even get the robot until 50 hours into this. Combat is fine, its xenoblade. World design is cool! But it's boring to me, you make a game with giant robots and it's BORING??? no thanks dude. Not enough pull for me to care about. Im not even those "meathead" action types, shit just does not happen in this game.
has little to do with the game, if i'm being honest, more so bad experiences with fans of the game who either were really rude to me or just frustrating to deal with. i don't see myself ever liking this one though, seems too pessimistic. kinda feels like a "nothing matters! life is bad! EVERYONE IS INHERENTLY EVIL!" type game from what very little i've played of it. But i'd be a hypocrite since I like yoko taro and a lot of his stuff is just "worst of humanity vol 12" but I think his statement overall isn't "humanity is bad."

could be a complete misread since im pathetic and dumb
(ARR ONLY) this is the one game to make me actively miserable. terrible pacing, no good characters beyond Cid (who happens to be my favorite Cid in FF history weirdly enough), story is a bore, jobs aren't fun until late game, some aren't fun until HW according to my friends.

just an AWFUL time for me
Hey!!! Speaking of the merc with the mouth, this shit sucks! Has funny bits for sure, I like when wade kills himself over cable speaking, beating the shit out of a defeated wolverine to wake up. but this for sure has damaged any good will or ideas that Deadpool can be anything beyond the "wahoo chimmichangas" guy.

If you sincerely want a good comic with Wade in it, read Remender's X-Force, i think Wade is great in it as he's still a wiseass psycho but dialed down on the reddit-o-meter.
my most liked review (may be the forspoken one now idk) on this shithole is me making fun of the dialog. Anthony Bursh is not great and I'm happy he's where he belongs, writing a dnd podcast.

Gameplay is fine, procgen guns are stupid and bloaty and stats end up a game of chance so none of this shit matters actually. Story, beyond the dialog, is where BL2 is actually pretty cool, despite Handsome Jack being "narwhal bacon" core, his actual backstory is fascinating and gets explored in the much better Tales of The Borderlands. Idea of Vault Hunters is super dope. I like all the IDEAS of the characters, Tiny Tina would be way cooler if she wasn't written like a Deadpool knockoff.
doom if it was bad lol.
boring as fuck, can't build cool shit, boot up a save and walk around and start mining and give up, i don't care if i get a reddit joke item that one taps god, this game is lame as hell
"What if we made Jak edgy and lame? And also do like 4 different gameplay styles, none of em feeling fully utilized" FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
Great music, great artstyle, fucking terrible rhythm game. Hit detection is absolutely ludicrous here. The Guard Sections feel terrible and i really wish they didnt exist or at least felt good to go through. Charge and Battle Sections are mostly fine but they really play with consecutively placed tracks when I think the game just simply cannot afford the hit detection. Feels challenging in a sisyphean way for me.
Its like one of the worst 2d platformers ever but it looks real nice.


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