I remember the time when I first played it, I was so hooked up with game I didn't notice how 4-5 hours just past by. A good example of why level design matters.

It was an incredible joy to play as a platformer lover.

Fun mechanics, it was fun to play with various powers. Decent story, also was one of the first games I played on PS4 so has a special place for me.

Great game, a 50 hour playtrough was pretty enough for me. It also helped me a lot in my bad times, will be remembered.

Not a single game in the universe can match the experince I had with this game when I was in middle school around 2011-2013.
A forever legend.

It was a chill game, the visuals and colors was good, the skating mechanics were pretty smooth but the way they tell the story was so uninteresting. I would love the witness the story instead of game giving me bunch of text that I won't read.