5 reviews liked by megafauna

Before Orson Welles made Citizen Kane, he wrote a script for a film based on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The film was greenlit by RKO, casting was in progress, and it seemed set to become Welles' debut film. The project fell through for a bunch of reasons, but I suspect a lot of it had to do with Welles' insistence that much of the movie should be shot in a first-person perspective, with the camera taking on the role of the narrator in Conrad's novel.

This is a crazy idea, and one that Welles never revisited, even in his more experimental later years. Placing the audience in the perspective of a character when they don't have any control of that character's motion is disorienting, and not immersive at all. Filmmakers since Welles have tried it, none to any great acclaim.

If games like Virginia were considered as attempts to make good on Orson Welles' thwarted ambition, rather than first-person shooters with the regrettable absence of a gun, we'd all be having a better time.

Failed the stealth tutorial 3 times and had to restart a save because I got stuck in a door. I love it!
Edit: Forgot to mention I also got softlocked near the end of the game because I guess I didn't select the right dialogue options that progressed the story and had to reload a save. Still love it!

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With Moons of Madness the first game for 2023 through and am somewhat disappointed. Thrown away potential, starts really good and then falls sharply. I expected a horror walking simulator, but apart from a few cheap jumpscares, there was hardly any atmosphere and the few action sequences were just annoying and frustrating, because you couldn't immediately see what to do in the rush. The dialogues were flat and completely emotionless. The protagonist sounded like he was changing a light bulb while fighting for the survival of himself and the crew members.

People talking about this game sound like they're fondly reminiscing about clocking in at the steel mill so I guess I now understand that look people give me when they ask what Victoria 3 is

Pretty car centric, and only with paid dlcs is it possible to create cities that are not absolutely dystopic. (Bike lanes, parks, pedestrian areas, trams). Without, 2,5 starts.