i understand how ppl enjoy it, it's a fun problematic yaoi doujin game with a not very well done english translation [which i personally always find endearing] that already didnt have the best writing, or coding, but wonderful art and interesting character /ideas/. however it isnt very fleshed [pun slightly intended] out nor has really much to say. and that okay! just dont pretend its one of the best modern rpg maker stories to exist or pretend its saying something meaningful about well.... anything. its just a fun doujin game.

this got me to try prosciutto when i was 11 years old and honestly its hard not to 5 star it for that. however i do not like its way of handling TopicsTM

Amazing visual novel, highly recommend to any fans of denpa or psychological horror.

Genuinely shocked me at parts, and its prose is truly something special

This review contains spoilers

had a lot of potential, but as an avid roblox restaurant tycoon player, there was a major pacing and controls issue in that section, though honestly a lot of the other reviews go into this very well from the standpoint of people who dont resturaunt sim and that should be more highlighted than my insanity.

story wise? again potential! a lot of good characterization but with a major lack of plot understanding, pacing issues, and a tonal dissonance between wanting these guys to be like yaoi and it being a horror yaoi. you can feel the creators want of these guys to have a connection, but without the proper implementation. really could have been helped by being longer, with more hints at it actually going down the route that it did.

this is the spoileriest section: i liked the attempt of subverting the trope of the chef wanting to eat people for his own enjoyment, but it really did need more time to explore. it felt like no questions were posited by the narrative until that end sequence where they fought. it also feels like the narrative is really down on rody without him actually ending up with the awareness of his character flaws, especially with the symbolism of him burning down the restaurant. its just a tad confusing on where we as an audience are to assume his character goes.

i liked this a lot! really solid short horror game, i had some issues with getting hard locked out of endings but it was genuinely a great time. i love spacial and occupational horror a lot and this did it well!

not much i can say to do it justice, but this was truly a good way to end the series. ane's writing improved a lot as well and in the bonus room she confirmed she had not much planned for this series, so as a fellow writer i commend her for not drowning in plotholes and using phrases and scenes as backwards foreshadowing. a special game, not to all, but to the ones it speaks to it truly is special

I am still trying to gather all my thoughts, but this was a wonderful game that hit home a lot for me. The symbolism was beautiful, meaningful, and expressed so well that I honestly cannot relate to those who found their questions to be unanswered. The answers were within us all along

As well, while playing I made a reading list on goodreads for books mentioned on the shelves, as well as a bonus "The Divine Comedy" given the large amounts of utilization of it's imagery in the latter half of the game.


a much better expansion to a game i felt was missing something, like its own themes. and really helped characterize akechi and joker much better. alas, i still think makoto sucks and kasumi is a poorly executed character.

goro akechi is the most character.

also as a persona 4 fan before this game came out, i was disappointed by how much they took from it and then reapplied to a city setting. they even did it with the main lesson??? as much as i had fun with certain characters this was a little sad. hopefully p6 doesnt do the same thing and it doesnt become atlus pulling a gamefreak.

heaven's gate was an interesting take on what it would be like if you removed the parasocial relationship charles had with vincent in the main game series. truly one of the most interesting character self explorations

a wonderful introduction and tone setter. i was not expecting a little game like this to bloom into a 3 part story that would sit in my brain, digesting, for such a long portion of my life. thank you, etherane

good video game, lacking in substantial story. i know its silly to say, but the whole time i just kept feeling like i wanted to play a zelda game, it felt nostalgic yet barren of feeling.