I hate this game, too much to learn and when playing with others, instead of being goofy and having fun, they take it way too seriously and get mad when you do something wrong.

For an FPS game it's really overstimulating and playing the meta is really annoying but I like playing with friends, better than valorant and fortnite.

I like this game, but I do think that it thrives on mods (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). I'm not sure I've actually played this game unmodded. I thought it was going to be scarier than it was which I'm grateful for because I'm a huge coward. This game is a lot of dying which I am also okay with, I'm not the best video game player and it's funny to watch your friends still be alive after you're dead. Once I got into a game and didn't know how sensitive it was to your mic so I was straight up munchin on some chips and no one said anything so I was just crunchin their ear holes and then got them all murdered by dogs and that is the beauty of lethal company. For what it is now in early access it is a good game overall. I do think that the mods are carrying it though.

To be completely honest with all of you, I have never played this game before in my entire life which is why I am not ranking it. However, I have watched my friend play hours of this game and he loves it so much. And to be honest with you I love watching him play the game. I would never play this game myself. It is not up my alley, and I think I would suffer playing it. But watching my friend Miggy be in a tank with 4 other guys going "why is there a toilet full of urine back here" is the funniest thing ever when they all completely ignore him to say something serious about the game and then when they park go "yo, why is there a toilet full of piss back here" for him to say "I already said that" and then they immediately die in a battle and never see each other again is the funniest thing in the world. He likes the game and if you like survival games similar to DayZ but more action packed and more going on instead of walking around for hours and losing progress the second you meet one person, this is the game for you.

Unfortunately I have given this game one more half star than I did before. The only thing that makes this game more tolerable is playing with friends which I have been doing lately. If you are a woman or someone with a femme voice you immediately get clocked as and get harassed. I'm giving it 3 and a half stars but at some point you really have to change your mindset in this game to "it is just a game, who cares" or it immediately gives you brain rot and makes you the most toxic human being known to man. I hate the way this game handles currency in every way, these skin bundles are not worth 80 real buckaroonies at all and you get no in game currency from the battlepass like every other godforsaken fps game in the world. This game sucks I love it. Also going back into the review and instead of giving it an extra half star it lost one. I still love playing with friends but the rest of it sucks. <3

really cute coworking game, I need to give it more time before I give it a full review. I like the way the timers are set up for pomos and like the journal log and the to do list. it's a little overwhelming at first with all the option to change everything but once I understand the UI I feel that I will like it more.

my favorite part about this game is flipping the table and writing "YOU SUCK" on it in pretty pink colors and then spawning poker chips until my computer lags so hard I have to stop. I also like beating my friends to death in checkers, get rekt, losers. the only person who ever beat me was bug. shoutout to my homie bug, love that guy.


I can't stop playing this goddamn game. I normally dislike games like this. I normally can't really play them for longer than a month. But I cannot stop playing this game. Idk what it is I stay up so late for this game. I don't recommend the switch version. But the PC version is great and support is really nice.


I thought this game was going to be too grindy but I'm having fun with the missions and stuff so far. I actually turned down playing it with friends when it first came out with the first wave of likers. Then I started playing two days ago and I'm hooked. The switch version is hard to play and I even switched from my switch to pc and messed up linking so I have two accounts. Oops. I'll do another review when I've played more.

I got this game on the wii after I got my wisdom teeth out and played it for a week straight. Once when my sister and I played it I kept winning against her and she got so mad she threw two remotes at me (not even wii remotes). It's such a stupid game I love it. I think this will always be my favorite mario kart game, even if they come out with newer ones.

This game is very fun. The replayability keeps me coming back. The soundtrack is amazing. I want to eventually speedrun it if I can. I'd say the darkness of the plot and art is similar to Hotline Miami, if you like the story in that game you'll like it in this one.

Just for the Tarrey Town music I give this at least 4 stars.

In all seriousness I didn't play a lot of video games when I was younger so this was my first Zelda game and it was a whole lot of fun. I think this is the first open world combat-based video game I'd played and I loved the music and exploring. And Tarrey town does happen to be my favorite sidequest. I will say that the combat shrines made me want to cry, scream, and throw my nintendo switch out a window, but other than that good game. I still haven't finished it because I'm a coward but I am excited to finish the story and get into TOTK.

I'm not really good at this game it's really hard but it's really nice looking and I love the story/movie/show in general. When I play it again I'll give it another review.

I feel obligated to give it more stars since I've been playing it since 2012. It's ok. Again, survival games aren't my thing but I like playing games with friends. I like shaders and mods but I hate losing all my shit when I fall 3,000 stories because I miss-stepped or didn't see the canyon. The updates are pretty cool, I like mods and quality of life mods. It's fine. It's a game that you can play.

I don't remember playing this game so I guess it was good but maybe it was bad. Hope it helps.