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1 day ago

EColiFan2003 reviewed New Play Control! Pikmin
There is no going back to playing Pikmin with a joystick after this.

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

EColiFan2003 reviewed Halo 3
A perfectly serviceable conclusion to the Bungie trilogy of Halo games.

The campaign of Halo 3 serves as the half of Halo 2 that they forgot to put in the game. It is a strong conclusion indeed but the more intricate and complex storytelling and characters from Halo 2 are gone, and we've just reverted back to Halo: CE in terms of basic one-dimensional villains and such. The levels have way fewer boring wave-based sections when compared to Halo 2, massive improvement in that regard, and the landscapes are also of much better quality.

The multiplayer is where this game truly falters. They have decided, more than ever, to make a one-gun game with this battle rifle being even stronger and the maps larger. What's more, the projectile-based shooting makes it so that the one viable non-power weapon plays like garbage, very little to enjoy about playing. The equipment are rarely helpful and as a pseudo replacement to the older power ups fall flat. The vehicles are more plentiful, but less interesting compared to the few added in Halo 2, with a few not even existing outside of forge and the campaign.

Speaking of forge, it was very impressive for it's time, and led to a surge of fun gametypes and custom lobbies. Obviously by now it's completely outclassed, but it is great for what they gave you.

Overall a serviceable end to the trilogy, but it stings how fragmented and unbalanced Halo 2 and 3 become when separated. It does hurt to imagine how good the game could have been if they waited on Halo 2 and completed it as the launch title for the 360.

3 days ago

9 days ago

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