Playing this game felt like a nothing experience and the whole game just feels like such a downgrade after generation 5. Even as just a pokemon game it falls flat and the ony thing I kinda like are the new pokemon and available ones

Pretty much flawless game but does not do enough exciting to expand the gameplay or world making for a weak sequel and no where near game of the year for me. Other issues I have include, game breaking bugs I encountered, repetitive and sometimes boring side missions, and too hand-holdy like the first game.

An NES game that ages better than wine

i like this one more than i want to admit.

These are easily the best dungeons in the entire franchise with their own mechanical and aesthetic themes that are just SO COOL. This whole damn game is so cool with its dark tone and epic narrative that just goes together so well.

The best street fighter and one of the best fighting games ever made. Everything about it from the parry system to the graphic style are excellent

A quick and easy little Kirby game but a very enjoyable one

Very good on the 3DS and the first time you could play smash portably, it just doesn't resonate with me as much as other entrees


This isn’t just a game. Geist transcends humanity itself and is the pure essence of living. Nothing will ever be like Geist ever again and the one thing we can do as the world to catch up to this holy Geist is to play video games and praise THE Geist. Jesus gets second place

This game isn’t as good as 4 and the same game as 5 but still a fun time

This is my favorite pokemon game ever. It took risks which the game freak are afraid to do now and with those risks crafted an rpg that I think everyone should play

Fun in the moment but that's just because it's a remaster not a remake of actually good games. This game was just disappointing on another level

More fun than I thought but it was the definition of junk food.

Why can't modern pokemon do what this game did so well. Everything about it is spectacular although I do prefer the originals

An incredible platformer with such good music