This game isn’t as good as 4 and the same game as 5 but still a fun time

This game on replay is everything I would’ve wanted out of a Ruby and Sapphire remake and more. I cant believe I didn’t like this one as much back then.

The best way to play persona 3 in my opinion and a banger of a game all around especially that music AHHHH

"been a little while but I'm still battlin"

Not the best version of this game but I can see how it blew up like it did in the 90s

This game was groundbreaking for its time and still a good game today

This is very impressive for an NES game but it has a lot of flaws making it hard to go back to for me

Why can't modern pokemon do what this game did so well. Everything about it is spectacular although I do prefer the originals

Real fun and broken fighting game, a great time with friends.

Masterpiece of a game (played on switch but it doesn't show)

Not too big on the linearity but the game uses it in it's favor to craft a memorable metroid experience

More fun than I thought but it was the definition of junk food.

This is my favorite pokemon game ever. It took risks which the game freak are afraid to do now and with those risks crafted an rpg that I think everyone should play

An incredible platformer with such good music

An impactful platformer of the era although not very memorable for me.