makes me incomprehensibly angry at times but it's got a strong visual style, great music, and best of all: i found it easy to emulate. my big tip for other people who don't have physical hardware: use a drawing tablet if you have one and resize the window to be larger. after that it's just practice.

the flicks are kind of a struggle for me due to hand issues, that i wouldn't be dealing with if i was playing with a stylus on physical hardware like the developers' intended experience, but oh well

it's not like any parents are going to be on backloggd reading a review for this game, but this game is far from accurate and abby should really lose her license. that being said i thought it was peak when i was a kid and didn't mind the repetitiveness. the only thing that really strongly irks me about it still to this day is writing the blood pressure/weight numbers because it refuses to recognize my handwriting half the time.

if it somehow got a remake that was more medically accurate and had more things to do, i'd be first in line, but it's just kind of okay with extra points for "well. i liked it as a kid".

Play this if you like RPGmakers and/or bullet hells. Play this if you don't like RPGmakers and/or bullet hells. Either way, you have to play this.

The only negative thing I have to say about it is that you can really tell that Toby Fox worked on Homestuck, which I have a strong disdain for due to personal issues. I was willing to look past that, however, because this is a good game.

I got the best possible ending and I don't have it in me to reset the game to go for the other one, so I have nothing to say about that unfortunately.

I wish my emulator didn't constantly crash, preventing me from getting too far into it, but it's really fun despite that. I like all the weird regional stuff that didn't quite make it into the localized release.

The one thing I can say about it is that it has a very specific, very niche sense of humor but that isn't a drawback in my eyes. It might be to other people, though. Already very fun with easily a lot of content even though it's still in development, and you have nothing to lose because the demos are free.

It's Mario Kart. No idea what else is there to say... I'm not big on the flashing effects used for some parts of the text on menus though, that's the only thing that I have to say about it. The prerendered sprites also look really nice, there's something about them that I just like a lot...

It's a good game for the N64 but I wouldn't say that when it comes to Mario Kart games as a whole that it's my favorite out of all of them. I guess that sums it up.

This is only rated highly in comparison to other gacha games. Playing this game when you don't like gachas is like going to a 5 star bakery when you hate pastries. To reword: It's only a good video game in its niche.

The card artworks are really pretty, the characters are fully-fledged and compelling even if you're just in it for the Vocaloids, and the rhythm game aspect is easy to understand while still being relatively challenging. To top it off there's no uncomfortable waifubait interactions; rather, the player isn't a character in the story at all, which is something that I appreciate.

If you spent hours laying in your bed listening to Nashimoto-P as a teenager or are currently a teenager doing that and MOST IMPORTANTLY, you already like gacha rhythm games - please play this. It's not overrated.

Type "Dergun" in the chat if you want to see a magic trick.

i love tf2 dearly like a grandfather who's slowly dying of dementia but i just can't bring myself to pull the plug

it isn't "dead" like people constantly say it is but also it's impossible to get into nowadays if you're completely new to it. pretty much everyone playing has been playing since 2013-2015 so you're going to have to be okay with getting wiped until you're able to catch up. i was on during and prior to jungle inferno and then overwatch rotted my brain completely and now i have no idea what i'm doing

i wish it'd have a resurgence in popularity where people completely new to it would get into it as opposed to returning players coming back (although that's also good) but i don't think that's going to happen because very few people want to interact with bronies & this game's culture is not going to adapt

this one has the best selection of dog breeds out of all of the DS games, in my opinion. speaking about all of the games, though: the microphone's already a bit tricky on original hardware and becomes more of an issue if you're emulating, but using melonDS and speaking closely to your microphone helps mitigate that. i have no idea how an accent or impediment would affect things though, i'm from one of the most mild-sounding places in the united states with no speech issues and had no problems with it recognizing what i was saying.

for what it is, it does its job well and i have zero complaints. if you don't like this game, i think it's an issue with you not liking the "virtual pet" genre as a whole. it doesn't help if you're playing this for the first time as an adult who never had any childhood interest in it.

the most stressful thing i have genuinely ever experienced in my entire life

i mean, it's cute. not a whole lot to say given that i'm not the target audience and i don't speak swedish competently enough to really judge how the game's written... or the accuracy when it comes to caring for the horses.

i will say that the controls are finnicky, the "voice" of the characters sounds like scrubbing a window, and it's clearly just kind of scandinavian shovelware, but if i was a little swedish kid i think i would've loved it.

i still like the QoL this game offers but in comparison to the original animal crossing i feel like it falls extremely short in terms of things like villager interactivity & events in favor of more customization options. you can kind of see the roots of why new horizons turned out so badly sowing themselves in this game already which sucks but hey

still a favorite i just managed to retroactively ruin it for myself by playing around with older entries

i don't really play dating sims that are just straight romance and not some insane subplot on the side (like hatoful boyfriend), but i did like this one for what it was! mostly the gender presentation options i appreciated. i hate being boxed into getting called MANLY and HANDSOME just because i'm playing as a male character, but i also don't exactly want to straight up be a girl...

i'm sad to report though that i'm not the target audience for this and probably will not be going back to it in order to get a different ending. i picked the responses that were most in character for what i'd say and even then the dialogue took me into places that i was just like "...ok" at pretty much. (which bums me out because i hate to leave him sad but oh well)

i'm not really into the "babygirl malewife" thing or the game's sense of humor in general outside of that trope, but if that's you then i'd probably recommend this i guess? he's pretty likeable and reminded me a lot of my real-life boyfriend.

actually i think that's my biggest issue, i just kept thinking about talking to my boyfriend the entire time and i have an unfortunate personality where i get really sour at the idea of talking to people other than him ... ... ... and that of course has nothing to do with the game and is just my problem

tl;dr: cute game, nice artwork, i wasn't the target audience but still had fun with it, it's free so you've nothing to lose

i do like it a lot, but it's a tiny bit frustrating to play without VR controls unfortunately. i can't speak on whether or not it's better in VR because i don't own a headset and my friends who do aren't interested in playing it with their headsets on

+ i know it's just meant to be an asset flip party game and it doesn't need a campaign mode but the game's pretty one-of-a-kind as it stands so i'd definitely have fun with it if they added an actual story and characters with personalities