(This review is specifically for playing this game in multiplayer/co-op)

Dark souls 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, and playing through it solo is a very engaging experince. Same cannot be said about its online mode.

I dont know why this game gets a lot of traffic for online specifically. I played through this run with my good friend Hilda and, while i did have a fantastic time playing with her, its very obvious that this game is not really meant to be played with anyone. Bosses feel unsatisfying most of the time, as its attention is split between you and the other player, and it never feels like the game handles 2 competent players together well. The areas outside that however are all fun and games, and i wish there were levels specifically made for playing with a friend in mind cause it was a blast.

Till you get invaded. Everyone already knows this but what is wrong with dark souls players? Why're they so mean and needlessly aggressive? Hilda makes everything entertaining but even her classic and iconic Frogger build couldnt get us out of some of these encounters. I think we met 3 whole players who were nice to us throughout the run but the rest had a stick up their ass for no reason. One guy was pretending to be Hitler and another guy, aptly named "you suck", invaded maybe 3000 times and proceeded to kill us with a glicthed gael crossbow. Even normal encounters take forever because i do shit damage and everyone else has rigged themselves out to kill anything that moves in one hit. Not my idea of fun when im playing with someone.

This is my first time playing ds3 online so i guess im just kind of confused why everyone loves the multiplayer so much, cause dueling is maybe the worst experince in the world and the game doesnt bend enough for it to be a seemless co-op experience.

Ill never forget Frogger's sacrifice.... killing Midir all by herself for me...naked, high heels, boobs OUT, greatsword in hand..... what would dark souls do without such an idol.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023


10 months ago

Frogger never find princess, become princess

10 months ago

That being is majestic as it is terrifying, and I'm deeply afraid of the power that it holds...

While I don't enjoy invading (nor doing it myself nor being invaded) I kinda enjoy dueling and did it for a bit in Elden Ring. I just find it fun to go up against another player and find interesting builds along the way. Also yeah, co-op can be a bit weird against bosses, but I think it works really well against those that have wider attacks, makes it so it doesn't feel like only one person is being focused.

10 months ago

@DeemonAndGamed its fun seeing different characters and when the other person doesnt have a pvp build it can be cool but i dont enjoy getting one shot by some dude who spams L1 over my corpse and points down /: ... i wasnt that big of a challenge lol

Yeah i agree, the best bosses to do together were guys like Gael and Gundyr but most of them just died instantly... doesnt help that hilda has thousands of hours across all fromsoft titles so she was just better than me -_- frogger..... too strong.

10 months ago

i think the most fun ive had in ds3 online is putting my summon sign outside dancer on a low level character because as it turns out theres an insane subset of people who wanna do early dancer but still want to summon people for it. feels like entering a secret circle of the most depraved people on the internet, but like, depraved in the best way possible

but yea everything else you said is pretty much spot on with my experience of online. had a lot of fun doing co op with some of my friends and im more than willing to accept that the bosses are gonna go a bit funky but i've seen gael do 180s and change targets midair too many times it's too much... and tbh i dont even dislike the *idea* of invasions on just like, a conceptual level, because i think the fleeting mp interactions in souls are cool, but also i dont think they could ever be implemented in a way whered id actually remotely enjoy them lol. even past all the COCKMASTER5000s with their earlygame pvp twink builds i just dont like dark souls pvp all that much really. kinda see the appeal but never really got it. closest to fun ive had in an invasion is duelling some guy when we both only had great hammers, which is funny but also like neither of us can actually hit each other? very nice

10 months ago

@faea yeah i wanted to do that for lorian and lothric, my favorite boss in anything ever, but thats a boss that just kind of loses its glamor with 2 people to focus. Dancer is a good one.

Omg the only time i ever enjoyed pvp was when i got invaded by a dude named Greatsword User and we both took turns hitting each other with our sticks, it was great. But yeah the concept of invasions are fun but its just.... the players are not sadly. 90% of the people who invaded me had an anime icon so i think i have a point

10 months ago

thank you hilda, that's fucking terrifying

10 months ago

Guilty as charged

10 months ago

PvP can be kind of not fun, but I missed it so much in Elden Ring. Like its something I don't engage with cause I'm bad at the PvP, but i want to sometimes have those human interactions.
DS3 does fucking suck though cause the Net Code just doesn't work in that game. DS2 kind of poggies though (as always)

10 months ago

@Snigglegros yeah there were many times when me or hilda would hit someone and it just wouldn't count it, played against this one russian guy and it fucking sucked

I do believe ds2 has better multiplayer in general from what i hear, kinda want to buy it and play through it with hilda but thats money.